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Is Better
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Lumbar Spine Meeting, June 1997, Singapore.
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for FEATURE: Auburn Chiropractic for Migraine
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for SPINE: Auburn Relief for Chronic Pain May Lead to
Brain Regeneration
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Physiological Therapeutics 2003; 26(9):592-596
for NUTRITION: Stop the Yo-Yo! The Benefits of Weight
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To Move If You Have Back Pain!
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SJ, Keller RB, Su YA, Deyo RA, Singer DE. Long Term
Outcomes Of Surgical And Nonsurgical Management Of Lumbar Spinal
Stenosis: 8 To 10 Year Results From The Maine Lumbar Spine
Study. Spine 2005;30(8)
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SP, Knox DG, Hubka MJ, Ainbinder DA: An Evaluation Of Medical
And Chiropractic Provider Utilization And Costs: Treating Injured Workers In
North Carolina. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
2004; 27(7):442-448
SPINE: Blame It on Mom! Back Pain’s in
the Genes
S, Akune T, Oka H, En-yo Y, Yoshida M, Saika A, Suzuki T, Yoshida H, Ishibashi
H, Tokimura F, Yamamoto S, Nakamura K, Kawaguchi H, Yoshimura N:
Health-Related Quality of
Life in Subjects With Low Back Pain and Knee Pain in a Population-Based Cohort
Study of Japanese Men The Research on Osteoarthritis Against Disability
Study. Spine 2011;36(16):1312-1319
FEATURE: No Adverse Effects for FBSS Patients to
Cox Technic, Just Pain Relief
DK, Smith JS, Sansur CA, Glassman SD, Ames CP, Berven SH, Polly DW Jr, Perra
JH, Knapp DR, Boachie-Adjei O, McCarthy RE, Shaffrey CI:
Rates of New Neurological
Deficit Associated With Spine Surgery Based on 108,419 Procedures.
Spine 2011;36(15):1218-1228
Where are the Erector Spinae?
Chiropractic & Exercise are Good for
Cox JM,
Feller JA, Cox JA: Distraction Chiropractic Adjusting: Clinical Application, Treatment
Algorithms, and Clinical Outcomes of 1000 Cases Studied. Topics in
Clinical Chiropractic 1996; (3)3:45-59, 79-81
for NUTRITION: The Prune & Pomegranate: Great
“P” Fruits!
AM, Cossu A, Piga A, Madrau MA, Del Caro A, Colombino M, Paglietti B, Rubino S,
Iaccarino C, Crosio C, Sanna B, Pintus G:
Prune melanoidins protect
against oxidative stress and endothelial cell death. Front Biosci
(Elite Ed) 2011;3:1034-41 (June 1, 2011)
for FEATURE: Auburn’s Chiropractic Relieves
Chronic Low Back Pain
- Quinones
JVM, Aso J, Consolini F, Arregui R: Long-Term Outcomes Of
Lumbar Microdiscectomy In A Working Class Sample. Neurocirugia
- Senna
MK, Machaly SA: Does Maintained Spinal
Manipulation Therapy for Chronic Nonspecific Low Back Pain Result in Better
Long-Term Outcome? Spine 2011;36(18):1427-1437
- Seay JF,
Van Emmerik REA, Hamill J: Low Back Pain Status
Affects Pelvis-Trunk Coordination And Variability During Walking And
Running. Clinical Biomechanics 2011;26(6):572-578
for SPINE: Auto Accident? No worry!
Dr. Le's Chiropractic & Wellness, L.L.C.’s Chiropractic Can Help!
- Cheung
I, McCartt AT: Declines in fatal crashes of older drivers: changes
in crash risk and survivability. Accid Anal Prev. 2011
May;43(3):666-74. Epub 2010 Nov 18.
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S, Foss R, Marshall S: Graduated
driver licensing and fatal crashes involving 16- to 19-year old
drivers. JAMA 2011; 306(10):1098-1103
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Wong SV, Yeap JS, Umar R: Relationship Between
Cervical Spine Injury and Helmet Use in Motorcycle Road Crashes.
Asia-Pacific Journal Of Public Health 2011;23(4):608-619
for NUTRITION: Broccoli: The Super
sourced on 9/22/11
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CB, Tang L. Cruciferous vegetable intake and cancer prevention:
role of nutrigenetics. Cancer Prev Res (Phila Pa). 2009
Apr;2(4):298-300. 2009
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J, Teran-Garcia M and Jeffery E: Enhancing sulforaphane
absorption and excretion in healthy men through the combined consumption of
fresh broccoli sprouts and a glucoraphanin-rich powder. British
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- Vasanthi
HR, Mukherjee S, Das DK: Potential health benefits
of broccoli- a chemico-biological overview. Mini Rev Med Chem. 2009
for EXERCISE: Don’t Be Lazy! You
Don’t Want Chronic Pain in Your Lower Back or
for FEATURE: Watch Out, Auburn Men Who Do
Too Much!
- Sorensen
IG, Jacobsen P, Gyntelberg F, Suadicani P: Occupational and Other
Predictors of Herniated Lumbar Disc Disease-A 33-Year Follow-up in The
Copenhagen Male Study. Spine 2011 36(19):1541-1546
- O'Connell
GD, Jacobs NT, Sen S, Vresilovic EJ, Elliott DM: Axial Creep Loading And
Unloaded Recovery Of The Human Intervertebral Disc And The Effect Of
Degeneration. Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Biomedical
Materials 2011;4(7):933-942
- Malandrino
A, Noailly J, Lacroix D: The Effect of Sustained
Compression on Oxygen Metabolic Transport in the Intervertebral Disc Decreases
with Degenerative Changes. PLOS Computational Biology
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Wang D, Sowa G, Witt W, Ngo K, Coelho P, Bedison R, Byer B, Studer R, Lee J, Di
YP, Kang J: Differential Effects of
Nicotine and Tobacco Smoke Condensate on Human Annulus Fibrosus Cell
Metabolism. Journal Of Orthopaedic Research 2011;29(10):1585-1591
- Walter
BA, Korecki CL, Purmessur D, Roughley PJ,
Michalek AJ, Iatridis JC: Complex Loading Affects
Intervertebral Disc Mechanics And Biology. Osteoarthritis And
Cartilage 2011;19(8):1011-1018
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M, Frennered K, Hagg O, Styf J: The Impact of
Fear-Avoidance Model Variables on Disability in Patients With Specific or
Nonspecific Chronic Low Back Pain. Spine 2011;36(19):1547-1553
for NUTRITION: The Pumpkin: Not Just For Pie!
Eat the Seeds! Try the Oil!
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Barrett-Connor E, Milne D. Zinc intakes and plasma concentrations in men with
osteoporosis: the Rancho Bernardo Study. Am J Clin Nutr, Sept.
2004:80(3):715-721. 2004. PMID:15321813
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CE, Ezeanyika LU: Inhibition of the experimental induction of benign
prostatic hyperplasia: a possible role for fluted pumpkin (Telfairia
occidentalis Hook f.) seeds. Urol Int. 2011;87(2):218-24. Epub 2011
Jun 28.
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M, Hyde C, Hunter T, Simms-Stewart D, Fletcher H, McGrowder D, Walters CA.
in HDL cholesterol in postmenopausal women supplemented with pumpkin seed oil:
pilot study. Climacteric. 2011 Oct;14(5):558-64. Epub 2011 May
for SPINE: Kids’ Spinal Health: Care
- Samartzis
D, Karppinen J, Mok F, Fong DYT, Luk KDK, Cheung KMC: A Population-Based Study
of Juvenile Disc Degeneration and Its Association with Overweight and Obesity,
Low Back Pain, and Diminished Functional Status. Journal Of Bone And
Joint Surgery-American Volume 2011; 93A (7):662-670 (APR 6 2011)
- Okada E,
Matsumoto M, Fujiwara H, Toyama Y: Disc degeneration of cervical spine on MRI in
patients with lumbar disc herniation: comparison study with asymptomatic
volunteers. European Spine Journal 2011; 20(4):585-591 (APR
for EXERCISE: Exercise is Beneficial for Leg Pain
- Huber J,
Lisinski P, Samborski W, Wytrazek M: The Effect Of Early
Isometric Exercises On Clinical And Neurophysiological Parameters In Patients
With Sciatica: An Interventional Randomized Single-Blinded Study.
Isokinetics And Exercise Science 2011;19(3):207-214
- Parmenter
BJ, Raymond J, Dinnen P, Singh MAF: A Systematic Review Of
Randomized Controlled Trials: Walking Versus Alternative Exercise Prescription
As Treatment For Intermittent Claudication. Atherosclerosis
- Bressel
E, Dolny DG, Gibbons M: Trunk Muscle Activity
during Exercises Performed on Land and in Water. Medicine And Science
In Sports And Exercise 2011;43(10):1927-1932
for NUTRITION: Tryptophan: A Sleepy Amino
for FEATURE: No MRI for Chronic Low Back Pain. Really?
FEATURE: Chiropractic
Improves Neck Pain for Veterans and Civilians
- Dunn AS,
Green BN, Formolo LR, Chicoine DR: Chiropractic Management
For Veterans With Neck Pain: A Retrospective Study Of Clinical
Outcomes. Journal Of Manipulative And Physiological Therapeutics
2011;34(8 SP ISS):533-538
- Manison
A: Chiropractic management
using Cox cervical flexion-distraction technique for a disk herniation with
left foraminal narrowing in a 64-year-old man. J of Chiropractic
Medicine 2011; 10(4):316-321
for SPINE: Auburn Chiropractic Benefits
Degenerative Disc Disease
- Jackson
AR, Huang CYC, Brown MD, Gu WY:3D Finite Element
Analysis of Nutrient Distributions and Cell Viability in the Intervertebral
Disc: Effects of Deformation and Degeneration. Journal Of
Biomechanical Engineering-Transactions Of The ASME
- Takatalo
J, Karppinen J, Niinimäki J, Taimela S, Näyhä S,
Mutanen P, Sequeiros R, Kyllönen E, Tervonen O: Does Lumbar Disc
Degeneration on Magnetic Resonance Imaging Associate With Low Back Symptom
Severity in Young Finnish Adults? Spine
for NUTRITION: Auburn Chiropractic
Nutrition Tip for Osteoporosis: Flaxseed
Casey T
R, Bamforth CW;
Silicon in beer and brewing. Journal of
the Science of Food and Agriculture 2010; 90: 784–788.
doi: 10.1002/jsfa.3884
for EXERCISE: Auburn Chiropractor
Encourages Exercise to Prolong Pain Relief
References for
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Health 2006k51(1):e7-10.
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Gudavalli S, Cambron J: Chiropractic Treatment of a Pregnant Patient with Lumbar
Radiculopathy. Journal of Chiropractic Medicine
for FEATURE: Auburn Chiropractic
Helps Knee Pain Related To Low Back Pain
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EC, Tanagra D, Detorakis I, Gatsi P, Goroyia A, Michalopoulou M; Jelastopulu E:
Knee and low back complaints in professional
hospital nurses: Occurrence, chronicity, care seeking and
absenteeism. Work - A Journal Of Prevention Assessment &
Rehabilitation 2011;38(4):329-335
for NUTRITION: Auburn Chiropractic
Osteoporosis Help: Calcium
SPINE: Auburn chiropractic
Treatment for Scoliosis with Spinal Stenosis in Older
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KMG; Rhagavan, P; Shaffrey, CI; Chernavvsky, DR; Smith, JS; Krauss, WE: Prevalence, Severity, and Impact of Foraminal and
Canal Stenosis Among Adults With Degenerative Scoliosis. Neurosurgery
EXERCISE: Tai Chi: Exercise Option for Low Back
Pain Relief
NUTRITION: Dark Chocolate from Your Auburn
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M: Anti-free radical effects of dark chocolate in
radical damage and constipation. Acta Med Indones. 2011
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Flavanols improve vascular and blood pressure measures for coronary artery
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SPINE: Epidural
Spinal Injections – Good or
Bad? 100% Relief Isn’t the Realistic
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C, Benichou M, Revel M, Poiraudeau S, Rannou F: Association of
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End-Plate Modic I to Modic 0 Signal Changes With Clinical
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the Treatment of
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postepidural injection for lumbar and cervical radiculopathy: a
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NUTRITION: Auburn Nutrition Update:
Calcium Make Protect You from Kidney
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nutrients and the risk of symptomatic kidney stones. New England
Journal of Medicine 1993:328
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Roizen M: Features at News Sentinel. January 16, 2012. Fort Wayne, IN: 2F, 6F;
also online at
for FEATURE: Don’t Let Your Pillow Hurt Your
SPINE: Auburn Chiropractic Relief for
the Pinched Nerve
for EXERCISE: Yoga Trumps Book for Chronic Lower Back
Pain Relief; chiropractic Care at Dr. Le's Chiropractic & Wellness, L.L.C. Trumps Them
for SPINE: Sleepless in Auburn?
Chiropractic Addresses Spinal Degeneration’s
for EXERCISE: Chronic Lower Back Pain Loves
for FEATURE: Do I have to see my chiropractor
for NUTRITION: chiropractic Nutrition
Encounter: Mediterranean Food for Life
- Apostolopoulou
M, Michalakis K, Miras A, Hatzitolios A, Savopoulos C. Nutrition in the primary
and secondary prevention of stroke. Maturitas.
2012 Mar 9. [Epub ahead of print]
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C, Panagiotakos D, Matalas AL. The role of diet in prevention and management of
type 2 diabetes: implications for public health. Crit Rev Food
Sci Nutr. 2012 May;52(5):382-9.
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LJ, Bes-Rastrollo M, de la Fuente-Arrillaga C, Toledo E, Beunza JJ, et al.
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cardiovascular events using relative- and absolute-component Mediterranean diet
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Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2012 Mar 6. [Epub ahead of print]
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RN, Gu Y, Mejia-Santana H, et al. The association between Mediterranean diet
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Disord. 2012 Feb 7. doi: 10.1002/mds.24918. [Epub ahead of
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CR, Woodside JV, Cardwell CR, et al. Dietary patterns and bone mineral status
in young adults: the Northern Ireland Young Hearts Project. Br J
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Neurother. 2011 May;11(5):677-708.
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Intervention Randomized Controlled Trial (DIRECT) Group. Weight loss
with a low-carbohydrate, Mediterranean, or low-fat diet. N Engl J
Med. 2008 Jul 17;359(3):229-41
FEATURE: Choose Auburn Non-Surgical
Care for Your Disc Herniation and Return to Work
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JS, Roberts D, Roc G, Gryzlo S, Hsu W: Effects of Lumbar Disk Herniation on the Careers
of Professional Baseball Players. Orthopedics 2012; 35(1):43-49
NUTRITION: Chiropractic Nutrition Tip - Magnesium: Good for
Nerve Regeneration, Stopping Inflammation, & Heart
Y: [Nutrition and bone health. Magnesium and bone].
Calcium 2010 May;20(5):762-7.
SC, Orsini N, Wolk A. Dietary magnesium intake and risk of stroke: a
meta-analysis of prospective studies.
Am J Clin
Nutr. 2012 Feb;95(2):362-6. Epub 2011 Dec 28.
for SPINE: Auburn Neck Disc Herniations and Spinal
Cord Damage May Heal with No Surgery
- Matsumoto
M, Okada E, Watanabe K, Hosogane N, Tsuji T, Ishii K, Nakamura M, Chiba K,
Toyama Y: Spontaneous
Regression of Soft Disc Herniation in Patients With Cervical
Myelopathy. Neurosurgery Quarterly 2012;22(1):7-11
for EXERCISE: Chiropractic and Exercise Relieve Neck
Pain; Both Better than Medication
FEATURE: Auburn Neck Pain Relief:
chiropractic or Medical Is
FEATURE: Auburn Pain Relief
is Possible for Free Fragment Irritation
- Melrose
J, Shu C, Young C, et al: Mechanical Destabilization Induced by Controlled
Annular Incision of the Intervertebral Disc Dysregulates Metalloproteinase
Expression and Induces Disc Degeneration. Spine 2012;
- Mwale,
F; Masuda, K; Pichika, R; Epure, LM; Yoshikawa, T; Hemmad, A; Roughley, PJ;
Antoniou, J. The efficacy of Link N as a mediator of repair in
a rabbit model of intervertebral disc degeneration. Arthritis
Research & Therapy 2011;13 (4):NIL_123-NIL_131
for EXERCISE: Don’t Fear Moving with
Auburn Back Pain – Prepare for
for NUTRITION: chiropractic
Nutrition: Vitamin D Needed for Coronary Health,
Lim S,
Shin H, Kim MJ et al: Vitamin D Inadequacy Is Associated with Significant
Coronary Artery Stenosis in a Community-Based Elderly Cohort: The Korean
Longitudinal Study on Health and Aging. Journal Of Clinical
Endocrinology & Metabolism 2012;97(1):169-178
NUTRITION: 75% of all U.S. Adults –
including us in Auburn – are Low in Vitamin D! Are
Stein EM, Shane E: Vitamin D In Organ
Transplantation. Osteoporosis International 2011;22(7):2107-2118
References for
SPINE: Predictors for
Successful Neck Pain Relief with Chiropractic Spinal
- Ssavedra-Hemandez,
M; Castro-Sanchez, AM; Fernandez-de-las-Penas, C; Cleland, JA; Ortega-Santiago,
R; Arroyo-Morales, M: Predictors For Identifying Patients With
Mechanical Neck Pain Who Are Likely To Achieve Short-Term Success With
Manipulative Interventions Directed At The Cervical And Thoracic
Spine. Journal Of Manipulative And Physiological Therapeutics 2011;34
for EXERCISE: “I Don’t Wanna
Exercise…” Dr. Le's Chiropractic & Wellness, L.L.C. Says “Exercise,
- Davarian
S, Maroufi N, Ebrahimi I, Farahmand F, Parnianpour M: Trunk muscles strength and endurance in chronic
low back pain patients with and without clinical instability. J Back Musculoskelet
Rehabil. 2012 Jan 1;25(2):123-9
- Kaya DO,
Ergun N, Hayran M: Effects of different segmental spinal
stabilization exercise protocols on postural stability in asymptomatic
subjects: Randomized controlled trial. J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil.
2012 Jan 1;25(2):109-16
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T, Morone G, Iosa M, Fusco A, Alcuri R, Matano A, Bureca I, Saraceni VM,
Paolucci S: Psychological features and outcomes of the Back
School treatment in patients with chronic non-specific low back pain. A
randomized controlled study. European Journal Of Physical
And Rehabilitation MEDICINE 2012;48(2):245-253
FEATURE: [[chiropracticword]] Exam: MRI and X-rays
Aren’t Always Needed
- Andersen
JC: Is immediate imaging important in managing low
back pain? J Athl Train. 2011 Jan-Feb;46(1):99-102.
- Divrik
Gökçe S, Gökçe E, Cokun M: Radiology Residents' Awareness about Ionizing
Radiation Doses in Imaging Studies and Their Cancer Risk during Radiological
Examinations. Korean J Radiol. 2012 Mar;13(2):202-9. Epub 2012 Mar
- Cox JM.
Low Back Pain: Mechanism, Diagnosis,
Treatment, 7th edition, Lippincott Williams &
Wilkins Publishing Co. 2012
SPINE: Lovely High Heels and Stilettos Are Not So Lovely for Your
- Mika A,
Oleksy L, Mika P, Marchewka A, Clark BC: The effect of walking in high- and low-heeled
shoes on erector spinae activity and pelvis kinematics during gait. Am J Phys Med
Rehabil. 2012;91(5):425-34.
- Russell
B: The effect of high-heeled shoes on lumbar
lordosis: a narrative review and discussion of the disconnect between Internet
content and peer-reviewed literature. Journal of Chiropractic Medicine
2010; 9(4):166-173
- Mika A,
Oleksy L, Mikolajczyk E, Marchewka A, Mika P: Changes Of Bioelectrical Activity In Cervical
Paraspinal Muscle During Gait In Low And High Heel Shoes. ACTA Of
Bioengineering And Biomechanics 2011;13(1):27-33
- Alkjær
T, Raffalt P, Petersen NC, Simonsen EB: Movement Behavior of High-Heeled Walking: How Does
the Nervous System Control the Ankle Joint during an Unstable Walking
Condition? PLoS One. 2012;7(5):e37390. Epub 2012 May 16.
References: FEATURE:
“When Should I Seek Auburn chiropractic
Care for My Back Pain?”
- Costa
LD, Maher CG, Hancock MJ, McAuley JH, Herbert RD, Costa LO: The prognosis
of acute and persistent low-back pain: a meta-analysis. CMAJ.
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- Hayden,
JA; Dunn, KM; van der Windt, DA; Shaw, WS. What is the
prognosis of back pain? BEST PRACTICE & RESEARCH IN CLINICAL
RHEUMATOLOGY 2012;24 (2):167-179.
- Breuer,
B; Cruciani, R; Portenoy, RK. Pain Management
by Primary Care Physicians, Pain Physicians, Chiropractors, and Acupuncturists:
A National Survey. SOUTHERN MEDICAL JOURNAL 2012;103
- Pearce:
J of Orthopedic Research 5(2).
for NUTRITION: Water Improves Auburn Lower Back Pain Treatment
for EXERCISE: Your Auburn Chiropractor Worries About Your Spinal
Discs When You Run or Jog!
for FEATURE: Back Surgery Leave You with Back Pain? Auburn
Chiropractic May Help!
- Kruse
RA, Cambron JA. Cox decompression chiropractic manipulation of a
patient with postsurgical lumbar fusion: a case report. J Chiropr
Med. 2011 Dec;10(4):255-260.
- Manison
A: Chiropractic management using Cox cervical
flexion-distraction technique for a disk herniation with left foraminal
narrowing in a 64-year-old man. J of Chiro Med 2011;
Kruse R,
Cambron J: Chiropractic Management of Postsurgical Lumbar
Spine Pain: A Retrospective Study of 32 Cases. J of Manipulative and
Physiological Therapeutics 2011; 34(6):408-412.
for SPINE: How Long Does Back Pain Last?
- Itz CJ,
Geurts JW, van Kleef M, Nelemans P: Clinical course of non-specific low back pain: A
systematic review of prospective cohort studies set in primary care.
Eur J Pain 2012; May 28. doi: 10.1002/j.1532-2149.2012.00170.x
for NUTRITION: Auburn Osteoporosis Care: Nutrition, Activity, Good
Lifestyle Choices
- Ohta H.
Aim of
the Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Osteoporosis (2011 edition).
Prevention of osteoporosis. Clin Calcium. 2012
- Lee BH,
Moon SH, Kim HJ, Lee HM, Kim TH. Osteoporotic
profiles in elderly patients with symptomatic lumbar spinal canal
stenosis. Indian J Orthop. 2012 May;46(3):279-84.
- Rudäng
R, Darelid A, Nilsson M, Nilsson S, Mellström D, Ohlsson C, Lorentzon
M. Smoking
is associated with impaired bone mass development in young adult men: A five
year longitudinal study. J Bone Miner Res. 2012
- Rabenda
V, Nicolet D, Beaudart C, Bruyère O, Reginster JY. Relationship
between use of antidepressants and risk of fractures: a meta-analysis.
Osteoporosis Int. 2012 May 26. [epub ahead of publication]
for NUTRITION: chiropractic Nutrition Tip for
Osteoporosis: Eat Dried Plums for your Bones!
- Smith
BJ. Dried Plum Improves
Bone Density and Microarchitecture by Up-Regulating Osteoblast Activity and
Down-Regulating Osteoclast Differentiation. II International
Symposium On Human Health Effects Of Fruits And Vegetables: Favhealth 2007:841
- Shirin
Hooshmand S, Chai R, Saadat M, Payton K et al. Comparative
effects of dried plum and dried apple on bone in postmenopausal
women. British Journal of Nutrition, September 2011; 106(6):
- Halloran
BP, Wronski TJ, VonHerzen DC, Chu V, Xia X, Pingel JE, Williams AA, Smith BJ.
dried plum increases bone mass in adult and aged male mice. J Nutr.
2010 Oct;140(10):1781-7. Epub 2010 Aug 25.
- Rendina
E, Lim YF, Marlow D, Wang Y, Clarke SL, Kuvibidila S, Lucas EA, Smith BJ. Dietary
supplementation with dried plum prevents ovariectomy-induced bone loss while
modulating the immune response in C57BL/6J mice. J Nutr Biochem. 2012
Jan;23(1):60-8. Epub 2011 Mar 16.
for EXERCISE: chiropractic Exercise Tip: 15 minutes of
exercise a day keeps back pain away!
- Moore C,
Holland J, Shaib F, Ceridan E, Schonard C, Marasa M: Prevention
of Low Back Pain in Sedentary Healthy Workers: A Pilot Study.
American Journal Of The Medical Sciences 2012;344(2):90-95.
for FEATURE: See Your Auburn Chiropractor Sooner Than
Later For Back Pain
- Friedman
BW, Mulvey L, Davitt M, Choi H, Esses D, Bijur PE, Gallagher EJ. Predicting
7-day and 3-month functional outcomes after an ED visit for acute nontraumatic
low back pain. Am J Emerg Med. 2012 May 23.
- Itz CJ,
Geurts JW, van Kleef M, Nelemans P. Clinical
course of non-specific low back pain: A systematic review of prospective cohort
studies set in primary care. Eur J Pain. 2012 May 28. doi: 10.1002/j.1532-2149.2012.00170.x.
for SPINE: Your Spine Is Electric! Keep It From Degenerating with
Auburn Chiropractic Care
- Karajan,
N. Multiphasic
Intervertebral Disc Mechanics. Archives Of Computational Methods In
Engineering 19 (2). JUN 2012. p.261-339
- Millecamps,
M; Tajerian, M; Naso, L; Sage, EH; Stone, LS. Lumbar
intervertebral disc degeneration associated with axial and radiating low back
pain in ageing SPARC-null mice. Pain 153 (6). JUN 2012.
- Mydlarz
Degenerative disc disease, active component, U.S. Armed Forces,
2001-2011. MSMR. 2012 May;19(5):6-9.
- Dimitriadis,
A; Smith, F; Mavrogenis, AF; Pope, MH;Papagelopoulos, PJ; Karantanas, A;
Hadjipavlou, A; Katonis, P. Effect
of two sitting postures on lumbar sagittal alignment and intervertebral discs
in runners. Radiologia Medica 117 (4). JUN 2012. p.654-668
for NUTRITION: “An Apple A Day…”
Makes Your Auburn Chiropractor Happy! |
Dr. Le's Chiropractic & Wellness, L.L.C.
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Chan H, Huang Y, Yu H, Chen Z: Apple
Polyphenols Extend the Mean Lifespan of Drosophila melanogaster.
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CM, Figueira ME. Evaluation of
cardiovascular protective effect of different apple varieties - Correlation of
response with composition. Food Chem. 2012 Dec 15;135(4):2378-86.
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for EXERCISE: Simple Auburn Chiropractic Neck
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CJ. Therapeutic
exercise for athletes with nonspecific neck pain: a current concepts
review. Sports
Health. 2012 Jul;4(4):293-301.
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G, Evans R, Anderson AV, Svendsen D, Bracha Y, Grimm: Spinal
Manipulation, Medication, or Home Exercise With Advice for Acute and Subacute
Neck PainA Randomized Trial. Annals of Internal Medicine. 2012
for NUTRITION: 5 Tips for a Healthy Thanksgiving from Your Auburn
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exercises that aid digestion.”
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J, Tarumi T, Tanaka H. Effect of mirthful laughter on vascular function. Am J
Cardiol. 2010 Sep 15;106(6):856-9.
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M, Bruschini H, Nicodemo A, and Srougi M: Cranberries and lower urinary tract
infection prevention. Clinics (Sao Paulo). 2012 June; 67(6): 661–667.
FEATURE: Complementary Alternative Medicine like Chiropractic
for Spine Pain Better and Less Expensive
SPINE: Use Auburn Chiropractic Care to Combat
Gravity’s Bad Effects on Back Pain
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Bain, C; Williams, G; March, L; Brooks, P; Blyth, F; Woolf, A; Vos, T;
Buchbinder, R.A systematic review of the global prevalence of
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Daniel L. BPhty, PhD; Armbrecht, Gabriele MD, PhD; Felsenberg, Dieter MD, PhD.
Incomplete Recovery of Lumbar Intervertebral Discs
2 Years After 60-Day Bed Rest. Spine 37(14). 15 June 2012. p.
for EXERCISE: Chiropractic and Exercise are Great for Mid-Pregnancy Back
- George,
JW; Skaggs, CD; Thompson, PA; Nelson, DM; Gavard, JA; Gross, GA: A Randomized
Controlled Trial Comparing A Multimodal Intervention And Standard Obstetrics
Care For Low Back And Pelvic Pain In Pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol
2012; Oct 23. pii: S0002-9378(12)01969-2. doi: 10.1016/j.ajog.2012.10.869.
[Epub ahead of print]
- Kruse
RA, Gudavalli S, Cambron J: Chiropractic
Treatment of a Pregnant Patient with Lumbar Radiculopathy. Journal of
Chiropractic Medicine 2007; 6(4):153-158
for NUTRITION: Eat some Pecans for their Vitamin E and Prevent
Bone Loss
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Mohamed I; Borhanuddin, B; Shuid, AN; Mohd, Fozi NF: Vitamin e and bone
structural changes: an evidence-based review. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med.
2012;2012:250584. doi: 10.1155/2012/250584. Epub 2012 Oct 17.
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N, Luke DA, Shuid AN, Mohamed N, Soelaiman IN. Two different isomers of vitamin
e prevent bone loss in postmenopausal osteoporosis rat model. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med.
2012;2012:161527. doi: 10.1155/2012/161527. Epub 2012 Oct 15.
for FEATURE: Trust Your Auburn Chiropractor, A Highly Trained
for SPINE: Your Spine Deserves Non-Surgical Auburn Chiropractic
Care Over Back Surgery
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A; Reikeraas, O; Holm, I; Keller, A; Brox, JI. No difference in 9-year outcome in CLBP patients
randomized to lumbar fusion versus cognitive intervention and
exercises. European Spine Journal 2012; 21(12):2531-2538; DEC
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FW. The
value of "another" opinion for spinal surgery: A prospective 14-month
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for NUTRITION: Dr. Le's Chiropractic & Wellness, L.L.C. Supports Auburn Cancer
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D, Buring J, Hrbek A, Davis R, Connelly M, Cherkin D, Levy D, Cunningham M,
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of complementary therapies for cancer symptom management: results of the 2007
National Health Interview Survey. J Altern Complement Med. 2012
Mar;18(3):235-41. doi: 10.1089/acm.2011.0022.
for EXERCISE: Exercise Is Better than Fusion & Helps Spine Related
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A, Reikeraas O, Holm I, Keller A, Brox JI. No difference
in 9-year outcome in CLBP patients randomized to lumbar fusion versus cognitive
intervention and exercises. European Spine Journal , 21
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therapy for bone and muscle health: an overview of systematic
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for FEATURE: Choose Your Auburn Chiropractor: Avoid Back Surgery,
Get Relief
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F, Negrini S, Pasquini G, Paperini A, Conti AA, Chiti M, Zaina F, MacchiC,
Molino-Lova R. Predictors of functional outcome in patients with
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spinal manipulation. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2012 May 8. [Epub ahead
of print]
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BJ, Fulton-Kehoe D, Turner JA, Wickizer TM, Chan KC, Franklin GM. Early Predictors of Lumbar Spine Surgery after
Occupational Back Injury: Results from a Prospective Study of Workers in
Washington State. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2012 Dec 12. [Epub ahead of
for NUTRITION: A Chiropractic Auburn Osteoporosis Update:
Build Your Bones! Up Your Vitamin D!
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M, Viljakainen H, Saarnio E, Lamberg-Allardt C, Mäkitie O. Vitamin D is a major determinant of bone mineral
density at school age. PLoS One. 2012;7(7):e40090. Epub 2012
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T, Sirola J, Salovaara K, Tuppurainen M, Jurvelin JS, Honkanen R,
Kröger H. Muscle Strength and Body Composition Are Clinical
Indicators of Osteoporosis. Calcif Tissue Int. 2012 August;
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A, Lanteri P, Lombardi G, Grasso D, Recordati C, Lovi A, Banfi G, Bassani R,
Brayda-Bruno M. Metabolic effects of vitamin D active metabolites
in monolayer and micromass cultures of nucleus pulposus and annulus fibrosus
cells isolated from human intervertebral disc. International Journal
Of Biochemistry & Cell Biology 2012;44(6):1019-1030
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CP, Lyritis GP, Papaioannou NA, Gratsias PE, Galanos A, Chatziioannou SN,
Pneumaticos SG. Hypovitaminosis D as a risk factor of subsequent
vertebral fractures after kyphoplasty. Spine Journal 2012;
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RA, Cambron JA. Link Between Hypovitaminosis D And A Diminished
Sense Of Smell Was Noted In 2 Individuals. J Chiropr Med. 2011
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R, Cooper C, Reginster JY, Abrahamsen B, Adachi JD, Brandi ML, Bruyère
O. Antidepressant medications and
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Moon SH, Kim HJ, Lee HM, Kim TH. Osteoporotic profiles in elderly patients with
symptomatic lumbar spinal canal stenosis. Indian J Orthop. 2012
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Auburn Chiropractic Exercise Tip: Add Some Weight
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for SPINE: Auburn Chiropractor Encourages Good
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for SPINE: Back Pain? Wobbly Gait? Auburn Chiropractic
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sway in patients with non-specific low back pain. BMC MUSCULOSKELETAL
DISORDERS 13. MAR 21 2012. p.NIL_1-NIL_12
for EXERCISE: Get a (Better) Grip with Auburn Chiropractic Spinal
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MB, Andrade BB. Effect of cervical spine manipulative therapy on judo athletes'
grip strength. J Manipulative
Physiol Ther. 2012 Jan;35(1):38-44. doi: 10.1016/j.jmpt.2011.09.005.
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for NUTRITION: Listen to Your Auburn Chiropractor: Up Your Vitamin
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B, Ecker M, Jünger H, Lundberg YW. Vitamin D deficiency and benign paroxysmal
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Poll, April 2008,
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morphology of hippocampal and amygdalar neurons in adolescent mice is resilient
to genetic differences in stress reactivity. PLoS One.
2012;7(6):e38971. Epub 2012 Jun 12.
for NUTRITION: GERD Drugs and Osteoporosis: Try Auburn Chiropractic
Nutrition & Food Advice
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for EXERCISE: Doesn’t Matter What You Do – Just
for NUTRITION: Green Tea: Healthy & Tasty!
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for FEATURE: JAMA Lists Chiropractic as Beneficial for Back Pain
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SPINE: Seeing Your Auburn Chiropractor Reduces Your Chance of Back
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Benjamin J. PhD; Fulton-Kehoe, Deborah PhD, MPH; Turner, Judith A. PhD;
Wickizer, Thomas M. PhD; Chan, Kwun Chuen Gary PhD; Franklin, Gary M. MD, MPH:
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Occupational Back Injury: Results From a Prospective Study of Workers in
Washington State. Spine 15 May 2013; 38(11):953-964
FEATURE: 3 Ways To Prevent Back Pain
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A: Comparison of pain-resilient working individuals
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for NUTRITION: Your Auburn Nutrition Tip: Get your Vitamin C for
Potential Myelination!
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Status In Patients With Non-Specific Low Back Pain: A Randomized Clinical
Trial. J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil
for SPINE: Auburn Chiropractic Care May Relax Your Restless
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for NUTRITION: Auburn Chiropractic Nutrition Tip: Strawberries and
Blueberries Protect Your Heart!
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and Blueberry Strawberry Smoothie Recipe,
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for SPINE: Chiropractic for Teens and Musculoskeletal Pain: Back Pain, Neck
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L, Paananen M, Näyhä S, Taimela S, Tammelin T, Auvinen J,
Karppinen J. Psychosocial
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chiropractors. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2012
Jun;35(5):372-80. doi: 10.1016/j.jmpt.2012.04.008. Epub 2012 May 22.
for FEATURE: Chiropractic & Medicare for Back Pain
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P, De Goumoens P, Rivier G, Demeulenaere P, Bellabeni P, Dériaz O.
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exercises versus a placebo followed by specific active exercises on the
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CK, Bolton J, Humphreys BK. Predictors of outcome in neck pain patients
undergoing chiropractic care: comparison of acute and chronic
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JM, Fulton-Kehoe D: Factors Associated With Early Magnetic Resonance
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September 2012, 37(19):1708–1718
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JM, López-Miñarro PA, Casimiro AJ. Effect of stretching program in an industrial
workplace on hamstring flexibility and sagittal spinal posture of adult women
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for EXERCISE: “Ommm…” Leads
to “Ahhh…” : Yoga with Chiropractic
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RB, Boah AR, Keosaian J, Cerrada C, Weinberg J, Sherman KJ. Comparing Once- versus Twice-Weekly Yoga Classes
for Chronic Low Back Pain in Predominantly Low Income Minorities: A Randomized
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S. National survey of yoga practitioners: Mental and
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for SPINE: Tennis Serves May be Tough on Back Pain
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for FEATURE: Lower Back Pain Patient Expectations Met at
Dr. Le's Chiropractic & Wellness, L.L.C.
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Application, Treatment Algorithms, and Clinical Outcomes of 1000 Cases
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for SPINE: Chiropractic helps Auburn
Pregnancy-Related Pains
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Gudavalli S, Cambron J: Chiropractic
treatment of a pregnant patient with lumbar radiculopathy.
J Chiropr Med. 2007 Fall; 6(4):
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and indigestion. sourced on 8/23/13
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C: A
Case Study Of Chiropractic Management Of Pregnancy-Related Heartburn With
Postulated Fetal Epigenome Implications. Explore-The Journal Of Science
And Healing 2012;8(5):304-308
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interventions employed by Greater Toronto Area chiropractors on pregnant
patients: results of a cross-sectional online survey. J Can Chiropr
Assoc. 2013 June; 57(2): 132–142.
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Pourkiani-Allah-Abad, N; Stuber, KJ: The
Treatment Experience Of Patients With Low Back Pain During Pregnancy And Their
Chiropractors: A Qualitative Study. Chiropr Man Therap
for EXERCISE: Auburn Chiropractic Women Patients:
Tend to your Hamstrings!
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A, Böhme D, Weiss C, Schmittner MD. [Active Muscle Extension Testing of
the Hamstrings: Reference Values and Impacting Factors.]
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RJ; Kim, KM; Grindstaff, TL; Hart, JM: Increased Active Hamstring Stiffness After
Exercise In Women With A History Of Low Back Pain. J Sport Rehabil
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DJ, Terry ME, Haines MA, Tabibnia
AP, Lyssanova O. Effect
of stretch frequency and sex on the rate of gain and rate of
loss in muscle flexibility during a hamstring-stretching program: a
randomized single-blind longitudinal study. J Strength Cond Res. 2012
Aug;26(8):2119-29. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e31823b862a.
for NUTRITION: Auburn Chiropractic Nutrition
and Blood Pressure Tips
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“Take Action: How to Reduce Your Intake.” The Nutrition
Source: Harvard School of Public Health. Sourced on 8/29/13
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for FEATURE: Auburn Chiropractic Cares for Work-Related Back Injury
AND Prevention
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C, Johnson D, Chester B: Safety,
tolerability and effectiveness of an ergonomic intervention with chiropractic
care for knowledge workers with upper-extremity musculoskeletal disorders: A prospective
case series. Work. 2013 Sep 4.
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occupational exposures of home care workers and the association to general
tension, shoulder-neck and low back pain. Work. 2013 Sep
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for SPINE: New Hips and Worn-out Knees May Make a Short
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H, Inaba Y, Kobayashi N, Tezuka T, Hirata Y, Saito T: Leg Length Discrepancy And Lower Limb Alignment
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Leg length discrepancy and osteoarthritic knee
pain in the elderly: an observational study. J Am Osteopath Assoc.
2013 Sep;113(9):670-8. doi: 10.7556/jaoa.2013.033.
for SPINE: Auburn Chiropractic Relieves
Neck Pain and Arm Pain
- Peterson
CK: Outcomes From Magnetic Resonance
Imaging–Confirmed Symptomatic Cervical Disk Herniation Patients
Treated With High-Velocity, Low-Amplitude Spinal Manipulative Therapy: A
Prospective Cohort Study With 3-Month Follow-Up. JMPT October, 2013
for EXERCISE: Your Auburn Family Chiropractor: Here
for You, Here for Your Kids
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Buchowski J, Bumpass D, Lehman R, Mall N, Matava M: Disc
Herniations in the National Football League. Spine 2013: 15 October
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Aged 10-19 From The Area Of The Southeast Of Poland. Biomed Res Int
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for FEATURE: Auburn Chiropractor Shares Epidural
Steroid Injection Statistics
SPINE: Auburn Neck Pain and Sleep Apnea
– Snoring! – Related
for NUTRITION: Auburn Chiropractic Nutrition News:
Calcium Reduce Carotid Atherosclerosis
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JR, Zhu K, Thompson PL, Prince RL. The Effects of 3 Years of
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Carotid Atherosclerosis in Older Women: An Ancillary Study of the CAIFOS
Randomized Controlled Trial. J Bone Miner Res. 2013 Oct
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A prospective
study of dietary calcium and other nutrients and the risk of symptomatic kidney
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for EXERCISE: Auburn Chiropractic Care of Muscle
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Dirks ML, Snijders T, Senden JM, Dolmans J, van Loon LJ. Substantial skeletal
muscle loss occurs during only 5 days of disuse. Acta Physiol (Oxf).
2013 Oct 30.
for SPINE: Auburn Chiropractic Care of Coccyx Pain
(aka Tailbone Pain)
- Woon J,
Maigne J, Perumal V, Stringer M: Magnetic Resonance
Imaging Morphology and Morphometry of the Coccyx in Coccydynia.
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for FEATURE: Back pain Affects Many; Sitting Makes it
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M, Yoshimura N, Hashizume H, Muraki S, Yamada H, Minamide A, Oka H, Ishimoto Y,
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Disc degeneration and chronic low back pain: an
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are taken into account. Neuroradiology. 2013 Nov 5. [Epub ahead of
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Auburn Obesity: Risky
for Back Pain or Not?
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K, Kawaguchi M, Isomura T, Arisaka M, Fujii T,
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References for FEATURE: Auburn
Chiropractic Neck Pain Care: Relief!
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S, Bisdorff A, Colnat-Coulbois S, Ceyte H, Cian C, Gauchard G, Auque J, Perrin
P. Visuo-proprioceptive
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MG, Barry S, Kopjar B, Tim Yoon S, Arnold P, Massicotte EM, Vaccaro A, Brodke
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Sasso R, Dekutoski M, Gokaslan ZL. Anterior vs
Posterior Surgical Approaches to Treat Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy:
Outcomes of the Prospective Multicenter AOSpine North America CSM Study in 264
Patients. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2013 Oct 7.
References for FEATURE:
What You (and your Auburn Chiropractor) SAY Affects
Other’s Expectations. Be Positive!
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S, Brooks J, King N, Burton K. Are the treatment expectations of 'significant
others' psychosocial obstacles to work participation for those with persistent
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References for SPINE:
Auburn Chiropractic. Healthy Disc. Regenerate. Stand Up Straight.
Better Gait!
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Expression, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, and Messenger Ribonucleic Acid
Expression Analysis. Spine: Volume 31(15) 1 July 2006 pp
References for EXERCISE:
Don’t Complain! Do your Auburn Lower Back
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in Low Back Pain: Review of Evidence from a Triumvirate of Research
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References for NUTRITION:
“I need SUN!” Maybe its Vitamin D is what you are
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review. Br J Biomed Sci. 2013;70(4):161-72.
References for FEATURE:
Auburn Golfers with Back Pain: Help is Here!
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pain in golfers: from diagnosis to return to sport. Sports
Health. 2013 Jul;5(4):313-9. doi: 10.1177/1941738113479893.
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References for SPINE: Chiropractic
Care for Auburn Neuropathic Pain
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References for NUTRITION:
Auburn Nutrition Tip: Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Curcumin and
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References for EXERCISE:
Auburn Exercise Benefits Chronic Lower Back
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References for
Auburn Neck Manipulation Good: Tinnitus to Brain
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References for EXERCISE:
Stabilization Exercise Is Good for Back Pain Control
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References for FEATURE:
Auburn Chiropractic and Menopause
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References for SPINE: Disc Disease is
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Auburn Chiropractic, Fibromyalgia and Vitamin
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References for SPINE:
Auburn Chiropractic Care for Hip Pain
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References for NUTRITION: Take Your
Vitamin D! Prevent Osteoporosis and More
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References for EXERCISE:
Auburn Exercise Tip: Stretch Hamstrings!
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Auburn Chiropractor says “Get Those ZZZs!” for Back
Pain Relief.
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Advice for Sitting: Chairs & Breaks Help!
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FEATURE: Returning to
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References for SPINE:
Auburn Chiropractic for Kids Who Sit Too
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Auburn Exercise for Brain Power!
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Chiropractic for Headache Pain Relief Also Improves Range of
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References for SPINE: Have a Humpback?
Osteoporosis? Chiropractic Helps.
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References for NUTRITION: Raspberries
Help Control Obesity
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References for EXERCISE: Exercise and
Some Auburn Chiropractic for Spinal
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References for Chiropractic Healing via
Decompression of Nerves
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References for SPINE: Help for Disc
Degeneration and Irritated Nerves
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References for NUTRITION:
Osteoporosis Risks and Nutrition Tips
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References for EXERCISE:
Exercise the Connectors of the Spine: Multifidus and Erector Spinae
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DM, Morcelli MH, Cardozo AC, Denadai BS, Gonçalves M, Navega MT. Discriminant analysis of neuromuscular variables
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Glycosaminoglycan helps.
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EXERCISE: Exercise
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R, Ertelt T, Blickhan R. Low back pain affects trunk as well as lower limb
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Your Trunk with Chiropractic and Exercise!
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References for NUTRITION: Vitamin C
Benefits: Daily, Pre- and Post-Surgically
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Acetaminophen Not Effective for Low Back Pain; Chiropractic
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References for EXERCISE: Prevent Back
Pain in Kids with DAILY Exercise
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Connections to Feet and Ankles affect Balance and Gait
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References NUTRITION: Auburn
Chiropractic and Vitamin D’s Role in Back
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References for EXERCISE: Walk for
Relief: Back Pain and Peripheral Artery
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Back Surgery? Think Twice or Three Times!
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Practice Guideline From the American Pain Society. SPINE 34
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Hwangbo G, Park J, Lee S. Effects of Manual Therapy Using Joint Mobilization
and Flexion-distraction Techniques on Chronic Low Back Pain and Disc
Heights. J Phys Ther Sci. 2014 Aug;26(8):1259-62. doi:
10.1589/jpts.26.1259. Epub 2014 Aug 30.
Reference for SPINE: A Short Leg May
Lead to Back Pain
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S, Okuloff A, Uitti J, Paananen M, Rannisto PH, Malmivaara A, Karppinen J:
discrepancy is associated with low back pain among those who must stand while
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References for NUTRITION: B Vitamins
& Bone Health
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Koh WP: B-Vitamins
and Bone Health-A Review of the Current Evidence. Nutrients
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M1, Ward M, Dickey W, Hoey L, Molloy AM, Waldron L, Varghese A, McCann A,
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B12 deficiency and bone health. N Engl J Med. 2014 Sep
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References for EXERCISE: Weak Spine
Muscles, Painful Spines
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Lee ST, Kim M, Ryu JS. Sex differences
in predicting chronic of low back pain after acute trauma using lumbar muscle
area. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2014 Aug 13
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T, et al. Individuals
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HM et al. Reduced
thoracolumbar fascia shear strain in human chronic low back pain. BMC
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References for SPINE: Scoliosis: New
Predictor of Curve Progression
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With Low
Back Pain Who
Respond To Spinal Manipulative Therapy Differ Biomechanically
Non-Responders, Untreated Or Asymptomatic Controls? Spine
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Relieving Curcumin for Auburn Neuropathy!
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for EXERCISE: Chiropractic & Muscle: Use It or Lose
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Vigelsoe, PhD et al. Six weeks’ aerobic retraining after two
weeks’ immobilization restores leg lean mass and aerobic capacity but
does not fully rehabilitate leg strenght in young and older men.
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and Migraine: Chiropractic Help
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References for NUTRITION: Vitamin C
(and E) Builds Bone
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References for EXERCISE: Yoga for
Core and Heart and Blood Pressure: What More Could You
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References for FEATURE: Chiropractic
Flexion Distraction Relieves Spinal Stenosis
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References for HEALTHY NEWS –
September 2015
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August 2015
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Auburn Chiropractic Welcomes Curvy Spines!
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References for FEATURE:
Effective Auburn Chiropractic Care for Pregnancy-Related Back
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lumbar radiculopathy. Journal of Chiropractic Medicine.
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for SPINE: Whose Spine is Curvier - Male or Female? Chiropractic
Cares for Both!
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References for NUTRITION: Vitamin K:
What A Supportive Vitamin Auburn Chiropractic Patients Want to
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Muscles Do Well with Exercise &
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References for FEATURE: Try
Chiropractic Care Before Spinal
Stenosis Surgery
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References for SPINE: Warning for
Backpack Wearers Young and Old(er)
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Macias BR, Hargens AR. Shoulder skin
and muscle hemodynamics during backpack carriage. Appl Ergon. 2015
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Predictors of Discomfort during Load Carriage. PLoS One. 2015 Nov
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References for EXERCISE: Exercise
Reduces Inflammation
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and type 2 diabetes: Focus on metabolism and inflammation. Immunol
Cell Biol. 2015 Nov 16. doi: 10.1038/icb.2015.101. [Epub ahead of
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References for FEATURE: Depression:
The Side-Effect of Back
Pain No One Likes to Talk
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ahead of
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sex-specific interrelationship between spinal pain and
distress across time in the general population. Results from the
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References for SPINE: Look to the
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for NUTRITION: Fight Inflammation: NSAIDs and
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References for EXERCISE: Strengthen
The Glutes!
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Auburn Chiropractic Help for Stress
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CM, Weeks WB, Justice B, Haldeman S. A
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Auburn Healthy Living
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Walk, Auburn!
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References for NUTRITION: Weight
Loss for Back Pain
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objectively measured physical activity and body mass index with low
back pain: a
large-scale cross-sectional study of Japanese men. BMC Public
Health. 2018 Mar
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C, Zadeh MZ, Rajapakse CS,
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Høilund-Carlsen PF, Alavi A. Effects of age
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activities of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spines as
measured by
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males. Hell J Nucl Med. 2018 Jan-Apr;21(1):2-6. doi:
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Perez A, Gabriel KP: The
Association Among
Overweight, Obesity, and Low Back Pain in U.S. Adults: A
Study of the 2015 National Health Interview Survey. JMPT
2018; 41(4): 294-303.
References for EXERCISE: Exercise and
SMT helps Adolescent
Back Pain
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AW, Holm SH, Hansson TH: Kinematic behavior of the
porcine lumbar
spine – A chronic lesion model. Backletter 12(7)
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I, Bishop M, Sgromolo N, Hammoud S, Atanda A Jr. Approach
to the pediatric
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References for FEATURE:
(In)Effectiveness of Pain Control
Drugs (Opioids) on Back
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Backes D, Bindels PJE: Pharmacotherapy
for chronic
non-specific low
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Pharmacother. 2018
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J, Siegenthaler A, Bütikofer L, Vuilleumier P,
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Stamer U, Arendt-Nielsen L, Curatolo M: Predicting
drug efficacy in
chronic low back
pain by quantitative sensory tests. Eur J Pain 2018;22(5):973-988.
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of Prescription
Opioids before and After an Operation for Chronic Pain (Lumbar
Surgery). PAIN 2018;159(6):1147–1154.
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Côté P, Randhawa K, Torres P, Yu H,
Nordin M, Hurwitz
EL, Haldeman S, Cedraschi C: The Global
Spine Care
applying evidence-based guidelines on the non-invasive management
of back and neck
pain to low- and middle-income communities. Eur Spine J.
2018 Feb 19. doi:
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for EXERCISE: Spinal Extension in
Auburn Chiropractic
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R, Kormano
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R in Chapter 6: “Biomechanics Research on Flexion
Procedure.” Cox JM: Low Back
Diagnosis, Treatment 7th ed. Baltimore: Lippincott Williams and
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References for Healthy News –
June 2018
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Francio V, Towery C, Davani S, Brown T. Spinal
Manipulation And
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MR, Olding K, Joachim G, Cox JM. Chiropractic
Manipulation on Postsurgical Continued Low Back and Radicular Pain
Patients: A
Retrospective Case Series. J Chiropr Med. 2016 Jun;15(2):121-8.
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R, Behennah J, Fisher J, Osborne N, Steele J. A Comparison
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R, Kormano M. Lumbar Disc And
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References for EXERCISE: Simple
Exercise Helps Reduce Auburn
Back Pain
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Francio V, Towery C, Davani S, Brown T: Spinal
Manipulation And
Therapeutic Exercises In Treating Post-Surgical Resurgent
Radiculopathy. Oxf Med Case Reports, Volume 2017, Issue 10, 1
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Fernandes IM, Pinto RZ, Ferreira P, Lira FS: Low
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Obesity, And
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LAV, Callegari B, França FJR, Magalhães MO, Burke TN,
Carvalho E Silva
APMC, Almeida GPL, Comachio J, Marques AP: Comparison
Electrical Nerve Stimulation and Stabilization Exercises in
Fatigue and
Transversus Abdominis Activation in Patients With Lumbar Disk
Herniation: A
Randomized Study. J Manipulative Physiol Ther
References for NUTRITION:
Auburn Chiropractic
Nutrition for Neuropathy
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M, Legerski P, Potthoff J, Erlandson M. Targeting
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References for FEATURE: How Much
Auburn Back
Pain Relief Do You
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TR, Chou R: Clinical
Trial Design
Methodology for Pain Outcome Studies: Distinguishing Between
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Clinical Significance. Practical Management of Pain 2014
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RJ, Mayer TG, Choi Y, Chou R. Validation of
a consensus-based
minimal clinically
important difference (MCID) threshold using an objective
external anchor. Spine J. 2013 Aug;13(8):889-93. doi:
Epub 2013 Mar 21.
- Konstantinou
K, Dunn KM, Ogollah R, Lewis M, van der Windt D,
Study Team2. Prognosis of
sciatica and
back-related leg
pain in primary care: the ATLAS cohort. Spine J. 2018
doi: 10.1016/j.spinee.2017.10.071. Epub 2017 Nov 21.
- Chotai
S, Devin CJ, Archer KR, Bydon M, McGirt MJ, Nian H,
Harrell FE Jr,
Dittus RS, Asher AL, QOD Vanguard Sites. Effect Of
Functional Status
On Satisfaction With Outcomes 12 Months After Elective Spine
Surgery For Lumbar
Degenerative Disease. Spine J 2017;17(12):1783-1793
References for SPINE:
Auburn Chiropractic Care
of the Diaphragm & Back
- Maher
Chris et al. Non-specific
low back
pain. The Lancet 2017;389(10070):736 – 747.
- Tamer S,
Öz M, Ülger Ö. The
Effect Of Visceral
Osteopathic Manual Therapy Applications On Pain, Quality Of
Life And Function
In Patients With Chronic Nonspecific Low Back Pain. J
Back Musculoskelet
Rehabil. 2017;30(3):419-425. doi: 10.3233/BMR-150424.
- Diaphragm.
sourced on
- González-Álvarez
FJ, Valenza MC, Torres-Sánchez I,
Cabrera-Martos I,
Rodríguez-Torres J, Castellote-Caballero Y. Effects
Stretching On Posterior Chain Muscle Kinematics And Rib Cage And
Excursion: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Braz J Phys Ther. 2016
16;20(5):405-411. doi: 10.1590/bjpt-rbf.2014.0169.
- Martí-Salvador
M, Hidalgo-Moreno L, Doménech-Fernández J,
Lisón JF,
Arguisuelas MD. Osteopathic
Treatment Including Specific Diaphragm Techniques Improves Pain
And Disability In
Chronic Non-Specific Low Back Pain: A Randomized Trial. 2018
May 19. pii:
S0003-9993(18)30295-8. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2018.04.022. [Epub
ahead of
- Rani B,
Mohanty PP, Pattnaik M. Effect
Of Thoracic
Mobilization On Respiratory Parameters In Chronic Non-Specific Low
Back Pain: A
Randomized Controlled Trial. J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil. 2016
19;29(3):587-95. doi: 10.3233/BMR-160679.
References for Healthy News –
July 2018
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Abdelshahed DM, Kamrava E, Enriquez R, D'Onofrio
GJ: Tailbone Pain
Coccyx Injuries on
Water Slides: A Case Series. J Emerg Med 2018 May 18.
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doi: 10.1016/j.jemermed.2018.04.033. [Epub ahead of
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NL, van Helmond N, Chapman KB: Coccydynia
with Dorsal Root
Ganglion Stimulation. Case Reports in Anesthesiology, vol.
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5832401, 4 pages, 2018.
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Tarantino AG, Nonis A, Vismara L: Osteopathic
Treatment In Chronic Coccydynia: A Case Series. J Bodyw Mov
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RA, Gudavalli S, Cambron J: Chiropractic
treatment of a
pregnant patient with lumbar radiculopathy. J Chiropr Med.
Dec;6(4):153-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jcme.2007.08.005.
- Soliday
E, Betts D: Treating
Pain in Pregnancy
with Acupuncture: Observational Study Results from a Free
Clinic in New
Zealand. J Acupunct Meridian Stud 2018 Feb;11(1):25-30. doi:
Epub 2018 Feb 1.
for NUTRITION: Auburn Chiropractic
Care Encourages Healthy Lifestyle
- Bohman
T, Alfredsson L, Jensen I, Hallqvist J, Vingård E,
Skillgate E. Does a
healthy lifestyle
behaviour influence the prognosis of low back pain among men
and women in a
general population? A population-based cohort study. BMJ
Open. 2014 Dec
30;4(12):e005713. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005713.
- Williams
A, Wiggers J, OBrien KM, Wolfenden L, Yoong SL,
Hodder RK, Lee H,
Robson EK, McAuley JH, Haskins R, Kamper SJ, Rissel C,
Williams CM. Effectiveness
of a healthy
lifestyle intervention for chronic low back pain: a randomised
trial. Pain. 2018 Jun;159(6):1137-1146. doi:
- Skillgate
E, Pico-Espinosa OJ, Hallqvist J,
Bohman T, Holm LW.
behavior and risk
of long duration troublesome neck pain or low back pain among
men and women:
results from the Stockholm Public Health Cohort. Clin
Epidemiol. 2017
Oct 11;9:491-500. doi: 10.2147/CLEP.S145264. eCollection 2017.
References for EXERCISE: Exercise for
Better Sleep and
Chronic Back Pain
- Akodu
AK, Akindutire OM: The Effect Of
Exercise On
Pain-Related Disability, Sleep Disturbance, And Psychological
Status Of Patients
With Non-Specific Chronic Low Back Pain. Korean J Pain
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DA, Eadie J, O'Donoghue G, Kelly C, Lonsdale C,
Guerin S, Tully
MA, van Mechelen W, McDonough SM, Boreham CA, Heneghan C, Daly
L. Physiotherapy
for sleep
disturbance in chronic low back pain: a feasibility randomised
trial. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2010 Apr 16;11:70. doi:
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Y, Park S, Cho S, Shephard RJ. Objectively
measured habitual
physical activity and sleep-related phenomena in 1645 people
1-91 years: The Nakanojo Community Study. Prev Med Rep.
2018 Jun
doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2018.06.013. eCollection 2018 Sep.
References for
Technic Most Commonly Used for
Auburn Spinal Stenosis Relief
- Cox JM:
Pedicogenic stenosis:
its manipulative
implications. Journal
of Manipulative
and Physiological Therapeutics (March 1979)
- Choi J,
Lee S, Jeon C. Effects
manipulation therapy on pain and disability in patients
with lumbar spinal
stenosis. J Phys Ther Sci. 2015 Jun;27(6):1937-9. doi:
Epub 2015 Jun 30.
- Murphy
DR, Hurwitz EL,
Gregory AA, Clary R. A
non-surgical approach to the management of lumbar spinal
stenosis: A
prospective observational cohort study. BMC Musculoskeletal
Disorders 2006;
- Stuber
K, Sajko
S, Kristmanson
treatment of lumbar spinal stenosis: a review of the literature. J
Chiro Med 2009;
- Ammendolia
Chow N. Clinical
outcomes for
neurogenic claudication using a multimodal program for lumbar
spinal stenosis: a
retrospective study. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2015
doi: 10.1016/j.jmpt.2014.12.006. Epub 2015 Jan 22.
References for SPINE: Auburn
Relieves Back Pain Related to Synovial
- Howington
JU: Intraspinal
cysts: 10 year
experience at the Ochsner clinic. J Neurosurg,
- Bozzao A
et al: Relapsing
bilateral synovial
cysts of the lumbar spine. Neuroradiology 2001:43:1076-8
- Epstein
NE: Lumbar
synovial cysts: a
review of
diagnosis, surgical management, and outcome assessment. J Spinal
Disord Tech 2004
- Knox AM
et al: The
appearances of
lumbar intraspinal synovial cysts. Clinical Radiology
- Khan AM,
Girardi F: Spinal
Synovial Cysts.
Diagnosis And Management Challenge. European Spine Journal
15 (8). AUG 2006.
p.1176,1177-1182 SPRINGER, NEW YORK
- Cambron
SC, McIntyre JJ, Guerin SJ, Li Z, Pastel DA: Lumbar
Facet Joint
Synovial Cysts:
Does T2 Signal Intensity Predict Outcomes after Percutaneous
AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2013 Feb 28.
- Maezawa
Y et al: Spontaneous
of a solitary
intraspinal synovial cyst of the lumbar spine. Eur Spine J
2000 Feb; 9(1):
- Wilby M,
Fraser R, Vernon-Roberts B, Moore R: The
Prevalence and
Pathogenesis of
Synovial Cysts Within the Ligamentum Flavum in Patients With
Lumbar Spinal
Stenosis and Radiculopathy Study Design. A clinicopathologic
study of synovial
cysts in the ligamentum flavum (LF) in patients with spinal
SPINE 34(23):2518–2524
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Kara M, Iplikcioglu AC: Spontaneous
Disappearance of
Lumbar Synovial Cyst. Journal Of Neurological
29 (1). 2012. p.154-158
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Cox JM II: Chiropractic
treatment of
lumbar spine
synovial cysts: a report of two cases. JMPT 28(2);Feb, 2005:
- Cox case
#32 -
- Cox JM:
management of a
patient with lumbar spine pain due to synovial cyst: a case
J Chiropr Med. 2012 Mar;11(1):7-15. doi: 10.1016/j.jcm.2011.08.007.
References for Healthy News - August
- French
S, Downie, A, Walker B. Low
back pain: a
major global
problem for which the chiropractic profession needs to take more
Chiropr Man Therap. 2018; 26: 28.
- Maiers
M, Agaoglu M, Brown R, Cassirer C, Dasilva K, Lystad
R, Mohammad S,
Wong J: Chiropractic
Global Health and
wellbeing: a white paper describing the public health agenda
of the World
Federation of Chiropractic. Chiropr Man Therap. 2018; 26: 26.
online 2018 Jul
17. doi:
- Ammendolia
C, Rampersaud YR, Southerst D, Ahmed A, Schneider
M, Hawker G, Bombardier
C, Côté P. Effect of a
Lumbar Spinal
Stenosis Belt versus a Lumbar Support on Walking Capacity in
Lumbar Spinal
Stenosis: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Spine J. 2018 Jul
24. pii:
S1529-9430(18)31029-5. doi: 10.1016/j.spinee.2018.07.012. [Epub ahead
- Kang JI,
Kwon HM, Jeong DK, Choi H, Moon YJ, Park JS. The
effects on
postural control
and low back pain according to the types of orthoses in
chronic low back
pain patients. J Phys Ther Sci. 2016 Nov;28(11):3074-3077.
Epub 2016 Nov
- Calmels
P, Queneau P, Hamonet C, Le Pen C, Maurel F,
Lerouvreur C,
Thoumie P. Effectiveness
of a Lumbar Belt
in Subacute Low Back Pain: An Open, Multicentric, and
Clinical Study. Spine 2009;34(3):215-220
- Dalichau
S Et Al. Influence Of
Elastic Lumbar
Belts On The
Effect Of A Muscle Strengthening Program For Patients With Low
Pain. Zeitschrift Fur Orthopadie Und Ihre Grenzgebiete 2000;138:8-16
- Azadinia
F, Takamjani EE, Kamyab M, Parnianpour M,
Cholewicki J,
Maroufi N. Can
Orthoses Cause Trunk Muscle Weakness? A Systematic Review Of
Spine J 2016 [Epub ahead of print]
- Shahvarpour
A, Preuss R, Sullivan MJL, Negrini A, Larivière
C. The
effect of wearing
a lumbar belt on biomechanical and psychological outcomes
related to maximal
flexion-extension motion and manual material handling.
Appl Ergon. 2018
May;69:17-24. doi: 10.1016/j.apergo.2018.01.001. Epub 2018 Jan
- Boutevillain
L, Bonnin A, Chabaud A, Morel C, Giustiniani M,
Pereira B,
Soubrier M, Coudeyre E. Short-term
pain evolution
in chronic low
back pain with Modic type 1 changes treated by a lumbar rigid
brace: a
retrospective study. Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2018 Jul 24. pii:
doi: 10.1016/ [Epub ahead of print]
- Konstantinou
K, Dunn KM, Ogollah R, Lewis M, van der Windt
study team. Prognosis
sciatica and
back-related leg pain in primary care: the ATLAS cohort. Spine
J. 2017 Nov 21.
pii: S1529-9430(17)31148-8. doi: 10.1016/j.spinee.2017.10.071.
[Epub ahead of
References for NUTRITION: Fruits
& Vegetables Reduce Auburn
Inflammation, Risk of Osteoporosis, and Even
All-Cause Mortality
- Nguyen
B, Bauman A, Gale J, Banks E, Kritharides , Ding D: Fruit
and vegetable
consumption and all-cause mortality: evidence from a large
Australian cohort
study. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2016 Jan 25;13:9. doi:
- Bhupathiraju
SN, Tucker KL: Greater
variety in fruit
and vegetable
intake is associated with lower inflammation in Puerto Rican
Am J Clin Nutr. 2011 Jan;93(1):37-46. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.2010.29913.
Epub 2010 Nov
- Qiu R,
Cao WT, Tian HY, He J, Chen GD, Chen YM: Greater
Intake of Fruit
and Vegetables Is Associated with Greater Bone Mineral Density
and Lower
Osteoporosis Risk in Middle-Aged and Elderly Adults. PLoS One
- Coulthard
H, Sealy AM: Play with your
Sensory play is
associated with tasting of fruits and vegetables in preschool
Appetite. 2017 Feb 12. pii: S0195-6663(17)30185-X. doi:
[Epub ahead of print]
References for EXERCISE: Useful Dead
Bugs in
Auburn Chiropractic
- Pereira
ILR, Queiroz B, Loss J, Amorim C, Sacco ICN. Trunk Muscle
EMG During
Pilates Mat Exercises in Beginner Healthy and Chronic Low Back
Individuals. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2017 Jun;40(5):350-357.
Epub 2017 Apr 13.
- Kim CR,
Park DK, Lee ST, Ryu JS. Electromyographic
in Trunk Muscles
During Graded Lumbar Stabilization Exercises. PM R. 2016
doi: 10.1016/j.pmrj.2016.05.017. Epub 2016 Jun 16.
References for FEATURE: Often Ignored in Pain
Care Plans,
Auburn Chiropractic Offers
Coordinated or Optional Care to Opioids
- Breuer
B, Cruciani R, Portenoy RK. Pain
Management by Primary
Care Physicians,
Pain Physicians, Chiropractors, and Acupuncturists: A National
Southern Medical Journal 2010;103(8):738-747
- Azad T,
Vail D, Bentley J, Han S, Suarez P, Varshneya K,
Mittal V,
Veeravagu A, Desai M, Bhattacharya J, Ratliff J. Initial
Provider Specialty
is Associated with
Long-term Opiate Use in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Low
Back and Lower
Extremity Pain. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2018 Aug 7. doi:
[Epub ahead of print]
- Chou R
et al. Interventional
Surgery, and
Interdisciplinary Rehabilitation for Low Back Pain An
Clinical Practice Guideline From the American Pain Society.
- Cernansky
R: Push for MDs to Learn Nutrition: Many Graduate
without Training. Journal
Gazette July 30, 2018,
- Praz C,
Ducki J, Connaissa ML, Terrier P, Vuistiner P, Léger
B, Luthi F. Working
Together and Being
Physically Active Are Not Enough to Advise Uniformly and
Adequately Low
Back Pain Patients: A Cross-Sectional Study. Pain Res Manag.
2018 Jun
26;2018:4128913. doi: 10.1155/2018/4128913. eCollection 2018.
References for SPINE:
Back Supports Helpful to Auburn Back
Pain Patients
- Azadinia
F, Takamjani EE, Kamyab M, Parnianpour M,
Cholewicki J,
Maroufi N. Can
Orthoses Cause Trunk Muscle Weakness? A Systematic Review Of
Spine J
- Dalichau
S Et Al. Influence Of
Elastic Lumbar
Belts On The
Effect Of A Muscle Strengthening Program For Patients With Low
Pain. Zeitschrift Fur Orthopadie Und Ihre Grenzgebiete
- Calmels
P, Queneau P, Hamonet C, Le Pen C, Maurel F,
Lerouvreur C,
Thoumie P. Effectiveness
of a Lumbar Belt
in Subacute Low Back Pain: An Open, Multicentric, and
Clinical Study. Spine 2009;34(3):215-220
- Shahvarpour
A, Preuss R, Sullivan MJL, Negrini A, Larivière
C. The
effect of wearing
a lumbar belt on biomechanical and psychological outcomes
related to maximal
flexion-extension motion and manual material handling.
Appl Ergon. 2018
May;69:17-24. doi: 10.1016/j.apergo.2018.01.001. Epub 2018 Jan
- Boutevillain
L, Bonnin A, Chabaud A, Morel C, Giustiniani M,
Pereira B,
Soubrier M, Coudeyre E. Short-term
pain evolution
in chronic low
back pain with Modic type 1 changes treated by a lumbar rigid
brace: a
retrospective study. Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2018 Jul 24. pii:
doi: 10.1016/ [Epub ahead of print]
- Kang JI,
Kwon HM, Jeong DK, Choi H, Moon YJ, Park JS. The
effects on
postural control
and low back pain according to the types of orthoses in
chronic low back
pain patients. J Phys Ther Sci. 2016 Nov;28(11):3074-3077.
Epub 2016 Nov
- Ammendolia
C, Rampersaud YR, Southerst D, Ahmed A, Schneider
M, Hawker G,
Bombardier C, Côté P. Effect of a
Lumbar Spinal
Stenosis Belt versus a Lumbar Support on Walking Capacity in
Lumbar Spinal
Stenosis: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Spine J. 2018 Jul
24. pii:
S1529-9430(18)31029-5. doi: 10.1016/j.spinee.2018.07.012. [Epub ahead
- Konstantinou
K, Dunn KM, Ogollah R, Lewis M, van der Windt
study team. Prognosis
sciatica and
back-related leg pain in primary care: the ATLAS cohort. Spine
J. 2017 Nov 21.
pii: S1529-9430(17)31148-8. doi: 10.1016/j.spinee.2017.10.071.
[Epub ahead of
References for NUTRITION: Chondroitin
Sulfate For
Neuropathic Pain
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References for FEATURE:
Satisfaction with Auburn
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References for SPINE:
Auburn Chiropractic Care
of Ankylosing Spondylitis
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References for NUTRITION: Calcium
Plus Vitamin D Reduces the
Risk of Falls for Many
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Auburn Exercise Therapy
Equals Surgery for Lumbar Spinal
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References for FEATURE:
Auburn Chronic Pain
Relief with Auburn
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References for SPINE: MRI for
Auburn Stenosis: Curiosity
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References for NUTRITION: Avoid a
S.A.D. Diet to Avoid
Inflammation and Pain
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References for EXERCISE:
Auburn Chiropractic for
Balance Issues & Fall
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References for Healthy News - November
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Auburn Walking 90
minutes a Week Benefits Back Pain
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Auburn Pregnancy Effects
on Mothers’
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December 2018
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References for NUTRITION: Vitamin
Deficiencies Linked to
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References for EXERCISE: Exercise
to Prevent Auburn Back
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References for FEATURE: Factors
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Back, Arm and Leg Pain
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Kim GU, Kim HJ, Kim H, Chang BS, Lee CK, Yeom
JS. Low
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References for SPINE: What Is A
Healthy Intervertebral Disc
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References for NUTRITION: Mediterranean
Diet Good for Auburn
Knee Pain & Life
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I, Romera-Baures M, Roman-Viñas B,
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References for Healthy News –
January 2019
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Non-specific Low
Back Pain and Motor Control During Gait. Front Psychol
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MJ, Ammendolia C, Murphy DR, Glick RM, Hile E,
Tudorascu DL,
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Spinal Stenosis: A
Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Netw Open. 2019;2(1):e186828.
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References for EXERCISE:
Auburn Ladies: How’s
Your Handgrip Strength?
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Kim GU, Kim HJ, Kim H, Chang BS, Lee CK, Yeom JS: Low
Handgrip Strength
Is Closely Associated With Chronic Low Back Pain Among Women
Aged 50 Years Or
Older: A Cross-Sectional Study Using A National Health Survey.
PLoS One. 2018 Nov
26;13(11):e0207759. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0207759.
References for FEATURE: Making
the Decision for Auburn
Back Surgery for Disc Herniation
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R, Durand M, Roustit M, Zulian M, Monteiro I, Juvin
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Chiropractic Care
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Auburn Knee Osteoarthritis
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References for EXERCISE:
of Stability and Balance for Back
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Chiropractic’s Contribution to
Auburn Migraine Relief
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for EXERCISE: Auburn Chiropractic
Knee Pain Care
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AH, Lee JJ, Chmiel JS, Almagor O, Song J, Sharma L. Association
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Auburn Chiropractic
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References for EXERCISE: Supervised,
Regular Exercise Benefits Auburn
Back Pain Relief
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Benefits for PTSD and Stress with Back
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SL, Hoggatt KJ, Kligler B. Complementary
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References for SPINE:
Auburn Chiropractic to
Restore Range of Motion
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C, Bianco RJ, Afquir S, Evin M, Arnoux PJ. Experimental
assessment of
cervical ranges of motion and compensatory strategies.
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References for NUTRITION:
Auburn Nutrition Tip:
Ginger, Turmeric, FLL for Osteoporosis, Bone
Regeneration and Health
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the Ovariectomized Rat by Oral Administration of a Nutraceutical
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SNA, Hussain F, Thu HE, Hussain Z. Synergistic
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of curcumin and Fructus Ligustri Lucidi for treatment of
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References for EXERCISE: Exercise for
Back Pain Relief &
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SD, Miller CT, Ford JJ, et al. Randomized
Trial of General
Strength and
Conditioning Versus Motor Control and Manual Therapy for Chronic
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S, Malysz T, de Souza da Silva L, et al. Osteopathic
treatment combined
with exercise improves pain and disability in individuals
with non-specific
chronic neck pain: A pragmatic randomized controlled trial.
J Bodyw Mov Ther.
2020;24(2):189-195. doi:10.1016/j.jbmt.2019.11.002
for HEALTHY NEWS – July 2020
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CJ, Gliedt JA, Suri P,
Bednarz EM, Lisi
AJ: Management
Of Patients With Prior Lumbar Fusion: A
Survey Of Veterans Affairs Chiropractors' Attitudes, Beliefs,
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S, Brown T. Spinal
manipulation and therapeutic exercises in treating
resurgent lumbar radiculopathy. Oxf Med Case Reports.
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M, Fronzoni F, Jenkins H. Chiropractic
treatment approaches for spinal musculoskeletal
conditions: a
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Martinis M, Sirufo MM, Nocelli C,
Fontanella L,
Ginaldi L: Hyperhomocysteinemia
is Associated with Inflammation, Bone Resorption,
Vitamin B12 and
Folate Deficiency and MTHFR C677T Polymorphism in
Women with Decreased Bone Mineral Density. Int J
Environ Res Public
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Importance of Anatomy to Your Auburn
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References for SPINE: It’s
All Connected: Auburn
Spinal Manipulation Improves Lower Limb
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TL, Niazi IK, Holt K, et al. The
effects of a
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and Function
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References for NUTRITION: Cinnamon
Benefits for Health
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Care of Migraine: Exercise &
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M, Pace A. Exercise and
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References for FEATURE:
Auburn Chiropractic
Treatment for Neck, Back, Leg and Arm
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O, Davison MA, Vuong VD, et al. Long-Term Costs
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RM, Gudavalli MR, Silverman S. A pilot study of
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Connection to Testicular
Pain…and Chiropractic Help for
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Auburn Chiropractic
Tips for Fall Prevention and Pain
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Auburn Neck Pain and Arm
Pain With a Shingles Rash
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Chiropractic Use of Back Braces and Abdominal
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References for EXERCISE: Auburn
Neck Pain
Responds to Exercise and Chiropractic
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C, Gonzalez-Gerez JJ, Anarte-Lazo E,
C. Manual
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exercise in non-specific chronic neck pain: a randomized
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J, Malo-Urriés M, Corral-de-Toro J,
C, Lucha-López MO, Tricás-Moreno JM, Lorente AI,
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Manual Therapy
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Outcomes for
Patients with Chronic Neck Pain in Short- and Mid-Term? A
Controlled Trial. International Journal of Environmental
Research and
Public Health. 2020; 17(18):6601.
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MR, Potluri T, Carandang
G, Havey R,
Voronov L, Cox JM, Rowell RM, Kruse RA, Joachim GC, Patwardhan AG, Henderson
CNR, Goertz C,
Changes during
Manual Cervical Distraction: A Cadaveric Study",
Complementary and Alternative Medicine, vol. 2013, Article ID
954134, 10 pages,
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MR: Chiropractic
Project Grant – 2000‐2003 – HRSA Grant # 1 R18 HP
10011‐01 A
Comparison Study
Of Cox® Flexion Distraction Vs. Medical Care For Chronic Neck
Pain. Dr. Ram
Gudavalli will now head a team of researchers to study
chiropractic Cox
Distraction’s effectiveness for chronic neck pain. The federal
grant of #1, 247,
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References for EXERCISE: Exercise
for Back Pain Relief &
Better Sleep
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References for Feature: Benefits Of
Integrating Auburn
Chiropractic For Pain Relief
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References for SPINE:
Mindful Auburn Spine Care for Back
Pain Relief
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– MARCH 2021
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Multivitamin Use Reduces Hip
Fracture Risk
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References for EXERCISE:
Auburn Back Pain Relief in Women
Tied to Exercise
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References for FEATURE: The Value of
Auburn Chiropractic
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Pain. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2021 Jan 15;46(2):69-71. doi:
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Help for Neck Pain &
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References for EXERCISE: Exercise
for Pain Relief and
Prevention: 30 seconds
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randomized controlled trial. J Rehabil Med. 2021 Jan
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Reference for FEATURE: Addition of
Chiropractic Reduces Opioid
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References for SPINE:
Auburn Stenosis Treatment
Relieves Pain
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A, Cancelliere C, Ammendolia C, Comer CM, Zoubi
Châtillon CE, Chernish G, Cox JM, Gliedt JA, Haskett D, Jensen RK,
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Good Sleep to Ease Your
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– September 2021
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References for EXERCISE: Exercise:
Anti-Aging & Positive
Coping Effects
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Pain with Chiropractic and
Spinal Manipulation
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to Chiropractic
Care on Medical Service Use for Spine Conditions Among Older
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BR, McClellan WS, Long CR. Risk
of Treatment Escalation
in Recipients vs
Nonrecipients of Spinal Manipulation for Musculoskeletal
Cervical Spine
Disorders: An Analysis of Insurance Claims. J Manipulative
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References for SPINE: Back Pain, Hip
Pain, and Spine Issues:
3D Imaging & Simple
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NUTRITION: B vitamins for Bone
Health and Back Pain Management
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References for EXERCISE: The Physical
Activity and Chronic
Back Pain Relationship
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via Access &
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Reduced Access
to Chiropractic
Care on Medical Service Use for Spine Conditions Among Older
J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2021 Jun;44(5):353-362. doi:
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Helps More than just
the Spine!
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Rehabil. 2021 Oct 12. doi: 10.3233/BMR-210143. Epub ahead of
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and Cognitive
Dysfunction – Bee
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Wait on Pain Relief:
Liminality, Breathing,
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Oudenhove L. Psychophysiological
responses to
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Loke AY. Effects of
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exercises on prehypertensive or hypertensive adults: A literature
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References for FEATURE: Opioid or
Spinal Maniplulative
Treatment: Auburn Back Pain Relief:
Safety, Cost, Care Options
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JM, Kizhakkeveettil A, Toler A, MacKenzie TA, Lurie
JD, Bezdjian S,
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Medicare Costs
Associated With
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Chronic Low Back
Pain in a Cohort of Older Adults. J Manipulative Physiol
Ther. 2021 Dec
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ahead of print.
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JM, Kizhakkeveettil A, Toler AW, MacKenzie TA, Lurie
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Bezdjian S, Bangash M, Uptmor S, Rossi D, Haldeman S. Initial Choice of
Therapy for Treatment of Chronic Low Back Pain Leads to Reduced
Long-term Risk of
Adverse Drug Events Among Older Medicare Beneficiaries.
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1976). 2021 Dec 15;46(24):1714-1720. doi:
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Reduces Escalation of Care for Chronic Low Back Pain among Older
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References for SPINE:
Auburn Neck Pain and
Cervical Spine Range of Motion
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Yao H, Wang S, Zhong Y, Cao K, Wan Z. In vivo
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and Neck Pain Care:
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References for FEATURE: Benefits of
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Health System & Beyond
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Spondyloarthritis & Ankylosing
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References for NUTRITION: Benefits of
Chondroitin Sulfate
for Auburn
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HX, Yue TL.
Sulfate Alleviates
Diabetic Osteoporosis and Repairs Bone Microstructure via
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HX, Chen J, Zu YX, Wang EZ, Qi SS.
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References for EXERCISE: Help for
Musculoskeletal Pain
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Chiropractic Cheers for Healthy
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References for EXERCISE:
Auburn Lifting
Techniques for Back Pain
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Auburn Neck Pain from
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Anti-Inflammatory Gems: Curcumin &
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Auburn Neck Pain and
Arm Pain Exercise
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Auburn Back Pain
Treatment Options: Benzodiazepines &
Chiropractic SMT
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References for SPINE: Headaches: Source
& Chiropractic Treatment
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Auburn Gut-Bone
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References for EXERCISE:
Auburn Exercise the ‘No
Fear’ Muscle: How To Deal With Fear
Avoidance After Back Pain
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References for FEATURE: Have No Back
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References for HEALTHY NEWS
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Computer Work, Back Pain & Neck
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Resolution Benefits for
Young and Old
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Pain Relief after a
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Auburn Vitamin D And
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N, Sowa G. The
of biomarkers with
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of an RCT. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2022 Dec
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Benefits of Exercise for Auburn Back
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References for FEATURE:
The Benefits of Auburn Chiropractic
Spinal Manipulation Therapy for Thoracic
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References for SPINE: Dealing With
Back Pain’s Accomplice:
Paraspinal Muscle Fatty Infiltrate
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References for NUTRITION: The Role Of B
Vitamins In
Auburn Back Pain &
Musculoskeletal Conditions
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References for EXERCISE: New Clinical
Trial Shows Exercise
Benefits Auburn Back Pain
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References for FEATURE: Help For Persistent Back Pain After
Auburn Back Surgery
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References for SPINE: Dysphagia (Swallowing Difficulty) Related to
Cervical Spine Conditions Relieved with Chiropractic Care
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References for
NUTRITION: Chondroitin Sulfate: A Natural Way
to Alleviate Auburn Diabetic Osteoporosis
- Qi SS, Shao ML, Sun Z, Chen SM, Hu YJ, Li XS, Chen J, Zheng
HX, Yue TL. Chondroitin
Sulfate Alleviates Diabetic Osteoporosis and Repairs Bone Microstructure via Anti-Oxidation,
Anti-Inflammation, and Regulating Bone Metabolism. Front Endocrinol
(Lausanne). 2021 Oct 27;12:759843. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2021.759843. PMID:
34777254; PMCID: PMC8579055.
References for HEALTHY NEWS – March 2023
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approaches to spinal manipulation for persistent spinal pain after lumbar
surgery: systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient data.
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Distraction Spinal Manipulation on Postsurgical Continued Low Back and
Radicular Pain Patients: A Retrospective Case Series. J Chiropr Med. 2016
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References for EXERCISE: Exercise for Osteoporosis
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References for FEATURE: Auburn Chiropractic Care
Contains Back Pain’s Impact
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analysis of a pragmatic randomized controlled trial. Chiropr Man Therap.
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References for SPINE: Dealing with Back Pain and Related
Paraspinal Muscle Fatty Infiltrate
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References for HEALTHY NEWS – April 2023
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References for NUTRITION: Curcumin: Auburn
Inflammation’s Enemy
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Funk JL. Curcumin
Supplementation and Human Disease: A Scoping Review of Clinical Trials. Int
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and safety of Curcuma longa extract and curcumin supplements on osteoarthritis:
a systematic review and meta-analysis. Biosci Rep. 2021 Jun
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References for FEATURE: Spinal Manipulation Lessens Chronic
Auburn Back Pain
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References for SPINE: Neck Pain & Smartphone Use;
Chiropractic Can Help
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Between College Athletes With and Without Forward Head Posture. J Sport
Rehabil. 2022 Jul 22;32(1):53-62. doi: 10.1123/jsr.2022-0094. PMID: 35894888.
References for NUTRITION: Auburn Multivitamin
Benefit: Memory and Cognition
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References for HEALTHY NEWS – June 2023
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Auburn Back Pain Relief
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stabilization exercise and strengthening exercise on proprioception, balance,
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nonspecific low back pain: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Musculoskelet
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Review of the Effectiveness of Core Stability Exercises in Patients with
Non-Specific Low Back Pain. Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2022 Aug
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stabilization exercises are not superior to flexion exercises for
ultrasound-detected muscle thickness changes in patients with chronic low back
pain and lumbar spondylolisthesis. Acta Ortop Mex. 2022
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Stability and Hip Exercises Improve Physical Function and Activity in Patients
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References for FEATURE: Back Pain After Auburn
Back Pain Surgery: Opioids, Chiropractic, Outcomes
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References for SPINE: Auburn Back Pain Alters
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References for NUTRITION: Healthy Pumpkins: Not Just for
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References for FEATURE: Disc Herniations – Even Giant Ones!
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References for
SPINE: Help from Pumpkin Leaves for
Auburn Degenerated Discs
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References for
NUTRITION: Auburn Mediterranean
Diet Reduced Odds Of Cognitive Decline, Osteoporosis & Fracture Risk
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Back Pain: Followed?
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References for HEALTHY NEWS – November 2023
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KA. The influence of
flexion distraction spinal manipulation on patients with lumbar spinal
stenosis: A prospective, open-label, single-arm, pilot study. J
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References for SPINE: The Spine and Its Related
Musculoskeletal Problems: Chiropractic Care Can Help
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References for NUTRITION: Auburn Holiday
Peppermint: Good for Cognition & Appetite Regulation!
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References for Exercise: Auburn Chiropractic
Tip: Move to Age Gracefully!
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References for HEALTHY NEWS – December 2023
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References for FEATURE: Start on 2024’s Goal Now:
Auburn Back Pain Relief
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References for SPINE: Do You Walk Differently? Back Pain, Stenosis & Gait Connected
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KA. The influence of
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stenosis: A prospective, open-label, single-arm, pilot study. J Bodyw Mov
Ther. 2022 Oct;32:60-67. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2022.05.012. Epub 2022 May 18.
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alignment during gait associated with lumbar function in patients with
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References for HEALTHY NEWS – January 2024
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References for
NUTRITION: Auburn Nutrition:
Mediterranean Diet Benefits for Neurodegeneration and Obesity Among Others
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References for Exercise: Exercise Guidelines for
Auburn Back Pain Care
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Role of Chiropractic Care in Providing Health Promotion and Clinical Preventive
Services for Adult Patients with Musculoskeletal Pain: A Clinical Practice
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Breathing Exercises to Core Stabilization Exercises on Pain, Muscle Activity, Disability,
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10.1016/j.jcm.2023.07.001. Epub 2023 Sep 2. PMID: 38205226; PMCID: PMC10774616.
References for FEATURE: Positive Stats on Auburn
Chiropractic Care for Low Back Pain Relief
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free-text patient satisfaction responses in Care Response, a database of
patient-reported outcome and experience measures. Chiropr Man Therap. 2024
Jan 29;32(1):2. doi: 10.1186/s12998-023-00528-7. PMID: 38287403.
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References for SPINE: February 2024
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effects and biological mechanisms of exercise on lumbar disc herniation.
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KM. The MRI of Lumbar
Vertebral Canal in Low Back Pain: A Cross-Sectional Study.
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changes in the lumbar spine: Exploring their association with abdominal aortic
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retrospective study of the effect of spinopelvic parameters on fatty
infiltration in paraspinal muscles in patients with lumbar spondylolisthesis.
Neurospine. 2024 Feb 1. doi: 10.14245/ns.2347136.568. Epub ahead of print.
PMID: 38317553.
References for HEALTHY NEWS – February 2024
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References for NUTRITION: Anti-Inflammatory Nutrients like
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References for Exercise: Exercise is ‘King’ for Auburn
Knee Osteoarthritis
- Pandey P, Singh R, Srivastava S, Mishra MK. A Review on Osteoarthritis
and its Eradication Approaches: An Update. Curr Drug Res Rev. 2024 Jan 26.
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ahead of print. PMID: 38323999.
References for FEATURE: Auburn Chiropractic
Helps Chronic Low Back Pain, Reduces Cost Of Care
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print. PMID: 38369221.
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References for HEALTHY NEWS – March 2024
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mechanisms of chiropractic spinal manipulation for spine pain. Eur J Pain.
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Korean Red Ginseng on metabolic syndrome. J Ginseng Res. 2021
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of Ginseng Intake on Muscle Damage Induced by Exercise in Healthy Adults.
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Progress on the Anti-Aging Potential of the Active Components of Ginseng.
Nutrients. 2023 Jul 25;15(15):3286. doi: 10.3390/nu15153286.
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Korean Red Ginseng on stress-related neurotransmitters and gene expression: A
randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. J Ginseng Res. 2023
Nov;47(6):766-772. doi: 10.1016/j.jgr.2023.08.001. Epub 2023 Aug 12.
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KA. The influence of
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Ther. 2022 Oct;32:60-67. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2022.05.012. Epub 2022 May 18.
References for SPINE: A Spinal Condition for Chiropractic
Care: Spondylolisthesis
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References for NUTRITION: Green Teatime for Auburn
Pain Relief
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mechanism of tea for treating osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid
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10.2174/1871523015666160915154443. PMID: 27634207.
References for Exercise: Auburn Exercise Fights
Chronic Pain, Good for Body & Mind
- Mannes ZL, Ferguson EG, Ennis N, Hasin DS, Cottler LB. Pain Acceptance
Among Retired National Football League Athletes: Implications for Clinical
Intervention. J Clin Sport Psychol. 2023 Mar;17(1):27-40. doi:
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Disability Mediates the Effect of Self-Efficacy on Pain Relief in Chronic Low
Back Pain Patients with Exercise Therapy. Pain Res Manag. 2022 Aug
29;2022:4203138. doi: 10.1155/2022/4203138. PMID: 36071946; PMCID: PMC9444439.
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Tamagawa T, Kadowaki F, Hamaoka S, Ishii T, Kawai A, Shinohara H, Yamaguchi K,
Inada E. Association
between change in self-efficacy and reduction in disability among patients with
chronic pain. PLoS One. 2019 Apr 16;14(4):e0215404. doi:
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Ozaki T. The
factors driving self-efficacy in intractable chronic pain patients: a
retrospective study. J Orthop Surg Res. 2019 Dec 30;14(1):473. doi:
10.1186/s13018-019-1535-9. PMID: 31888662; PMCID: PMC6936134.
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Madrid-Gonzalez J, Rodriguez-Merchan EC. The Role of
Physical Exercise in Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain: Best Medicine-A Narrative
Review. Healthcare (Basel). 2024 Jan 18;12(2):242. doi:
10.3390/healthcare12020242. PMID: 38255129; PMCID: PMC10815384.
References for HEALTHY NEWS – April 2024
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the Pregnant Body. Clin Obstet Gynecol. 2021 Sep 1;64(3):602-610. doi:
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of Pregnancy-Related and Postpartum-Related Back Pain and Limitations of Daily
Activities and Work Participation. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2024 Mar
26:S0161-4754(24)00002-2. doi: 10.1016/j.jmpt.2024.02.001. Epub ahead of print.
PMID: 38530696.
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treatment of a pregnant patient with lumbar radiculopathy. J Chiropr Med.
2007 Dec;6(4):153-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jcme.2007.08.005. PMID: 19674710; PMCID:
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kinesiophobia in pregnant women. J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil. 2024 Apr 9.
doi: 10.3233/BMR-240006. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38607751.
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P, Coll-Risco I, Baena-García L. Effects of a concurrent
exercise training program on low back and sciatic pain and pain disability in
late pregnancy. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2023 Jul;33(7):1201-1210. doi:
10.1111/sms.14353. Epub 2023 Mar 23. PMID: 36932459.
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R, Barakat R. The
Influence of Physical Activity during Pregnancy on Maternal Pain and
Discomfort: A Meta-Analysis. J Pers Med. 2023 Dec 28;14(1):44. doi:
10.3390/jpm14010044. PMID: 38248744; PMCID: PMC10817295.
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Maternal Wellness: The Role of Antenatal Exercises in Musculoskeletal Issues
Among Primigravida Mothers. Cureus. 2023 Dec 14;15(12):e50494. doi:
10.7759/cureus.50494. PMID: 38226104; PMCID: PMC10789476.
References for Feature: Spinal Stenosis and
Auburn Back Pain with (Knee or Hip) Osteoarthritis
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Skou ST, Grønne DT, Jensen RK. Symptoms
of lumbar spinal stenosis in people with knee or hip osteoarthritis or low back
pain: a cross-sectional study of 10,234 participants in primary care.
Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2021 Nov;29(11):1515-1520. doi:
10.1016/j.joca.2021.07.012. Epub 2021 Jul 31. PMID: 34343677.
- Young JJ, Jensen RK, Hartvigsen J, Roos EM, Ammendolia C,
Juhl CB. Prevalence
of multimorbid degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis with knee or hip
osteoarthritis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Musculoskelet
Disord. 2022 Feb 24;23(1):177. doi: 10.1186/s12891-022-05104-3. PMID: 35209884;
PMCID: PMC8876450.
- Young JJ, Kongsted A, Hartvigsen J, Roos EM, Ammendolia C,
Skou ST, Grønne DT, Jensen RK. Associations
between comorbid lumbar spinal stenosis symptoms and treatment outcomes in
6,813 patients with knee or hip osteoarthritis following a patient education
and exercise therapy program. Osteoarthr Cartil Open. 2022 Nov
28;4(4):100324. doi: 10.1016/j.ocarto.2022.100324. PMID: 36561495; PMCID:
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Therapy for Knee and Hip Osteoarthritis: Is There An Ideal Prescription?
Curr Treatm Opt Rheumatol. 2023 May 20:1-17. doi: 10.1007/s40674-023-00205-z.
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flexion-distraction manipulation therapy on pain and disability in patients
with lumbar spinal stenosis. J Phys Ther Sci. 2015 Jun;27(6):1937-9. doi:
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application of Cox Flexion Distraction Decompression to the knee: a
retrospective case series. J Can Chiropr Assoc. 2017 Aug;61(2):153-161.
PMID: 28928498; PMCID: PMC5596966.
References for NUTRITION: Unveiling the Connection: B12
Deficiency, Auburn Neck Pain, and Radiculopathy
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presenting as neck pain and cervical radiculopathy. BMJ Case Rep. 2024 Apr
24;17(4):e259696. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2024-259696. PMID: 38663893.
References for Exercise: Exercise to Enhance Lower Limb
Proprioception Balance and Ease Auburn Low Back Pain
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Low Back Pain and Its Relationship With Voluntary Postural Control. J Mot
Behav. 2024 May 2:1-12. doi: 10.1080/00222895.2024.2341712. Epub ahead of
print. PMID: 38697938.
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KA. The influence of
flexion distraction spinal manipulation on patients with lumbar spinal
stenosis: A prospective, open-label, single-arm, pilot study. J Bodyw Mov
Ther. 2022 Oct;32:60-67. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2022.05.012. Epub 2022 May 18.
PMID: 36180160.
References for FEATURE: Auburn Chiropractic
Possible Benefit for ADHD
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Description of Treatment among United States Children and Adolescents with
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National Health Interview Survey. Complement Ther Med. 2020 Mar;49:102352.
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chiropractic adjustment on inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity in
children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: a pilot RCT. Front
Psychol. 2024 May 6;15:1323397. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1323397. PMID:
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Spinal Manipulation on Oculomotor Control in Children with Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder: A Pilot and Feasibility Study. Brain Sci. 2021 Aug
6;11(8):1047. doi: 10.3390/brainsci11081047. PMID: 34439666; PMCID: PMC8394036.
References for SPINE: Auburn Chiropractic and
Cox Technic: A Path to Relief of Sciatic Neuropathy
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Li G. In
vivo morphological features of human lumbar discs. Medicine (Baltimore).
2014 Dec;93(28):e333. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000000333. PMID: 25526494; PMCID:
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receptor potential ankyrin 1 in spinal cord dorsal horn is involved in
neuropathic pain in nerve root constriction rats. Mol Pain. 2014 Sep
6;10:58. doi: 10.1186/1744-8069-10-58. PMID: 25192906; PMCID: PMC4163170.
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neuropathic pain is present in chronic low back pain and soft tissue syndromes?
An evidence-based structured review. Pain Med. 2014 Jan;15(1):4-15. doi:
10.1111/pme.12229. Epub 2013 Oct 4. PMID: 24118776.
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Changes in Intervertebral Foraminal Morphology in the Lumbar Spine During a
Chiropractic Procedure: A Cadaveric Study. Integrative Medicine Reports.
Jan 2023.7-13.
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therapeutic strategies for neuropathic pain. Front Mol Neurosci. 2023 Apr
21;16:1138798. doi: 10.3389/fnmol.2023.1138798. PMID: 37152429; PMCID:
References for NUTRITION: Auburn Chiropractic
Tip: Strawberry Time! Good for Dementia, Insulin Resistance, Cardiovascular
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JL, Scofield RH. Dietary
Strawberries Improve Cardiometabolic Risks in Adults with Obesity and Elevated
Serum LDL Cholesterol in a Randomized Controlled Crossover Trial.
Nutrients. 2021 Apr 23;13(5):1421. doi: 10.3390/nu13051421. PMID: 33922576;
PMCID: PMC8145532.
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Edirisinghe I, Burton-Freeman B. Strawberry
Consumption, Cardiometabolic Risk Factors, and Vascular Function: A Randomized
Controlled Trial in Adults with Moderate Hypercholesterolemia. J Nutr. 2021
Jun 1;151(6):1517-1526. doi: 10.1093/jn/nxab034. PMID: 33758944.
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Intervention in Cognitive Aging with Strawberry Supplementation. Nutrients.
2023 Oct 19;15(20):4431. doi: 10.3390/nu15204431. PMID: 37892506; PMCID:
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characteristics of strawberry, raspberry, and blueberry in berries, berry
wines, and berry spirits. Compr Rev Food Sci Food Saf. 2024
May;23(3):e13354. doi: 10.1111/1541-4337.13354. PMID: 38682687.
References for HEALTHY NEWS – June 2024
- Kruse R, Gudavalli MR, White B, Bracho G, Rider S. Intra-observer
reliability study of lumbar segmental measurements utilizing ultrasonography.
J Can Chiropr Assoc. 2024 Apr;68(1):35-39. PMID: 38840962; PMCID: PMC11149686.
- Gudavalli MR, Cramer GD, Patwardhan AG. Intervertebral Movements
and Changes in Intervertebral Foraminal Morphology in the Lumbar Spine During a
Chiropractic Procedure: A Cadaveric Study. Integrative Medicine Reports
2023 2:1, 7-13.
- Gudavalli MR. Chapter 6: Biomechanics Research on
Flexion-Distraction Procedure. IN Cox JM. Low Back Pain: Mechanism, Diagnosis,
Treatment. 7th edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2011, pages 212-225.
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Parmenter BH, Hill C, Perez-Cornago A, Kühn T, Cassidy A. Higher habitual
intakes of flavonoids and flavonoid-rich foods are associated with a lower
incidence of type 2 diabetes in the UK Biobank cohort. Nutr Diabetes. 2024
May 22;14(1):32. doi: 10.1038/s41387-024-00288-0. PMID: 38778045; PMCID:
- Khor KL, Kumarasuriar V, Tan KW, Ooi PB, Chia YC. Effects of
fruit and vegetable intake on memory and attention: a systematic review of
randomized controlled trials. Syst Rev. 2024 Jun 7;13(1):151. doi:
10.1186/s13643-024-02547-8. PMID: 38849879; PMCID: PMC11157787.
- Patil R, Aswar U, Vyas N. Pterostilbene alleviates
cafeteria diet-induced obesity and underlying depression in adolescent male
Swiss albino mice and affects insulin resistance, inflammation, HPA axis
dysfunction and SIRT1 mediated leptin-ghrelin signaling. Horm Behav. 2024
May;161:105504. doi: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2024.105504. Epub 2024 Feb 14. PMID:
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response to blueberry supplementation on depressive symptoms in emerging
adults: a double-blind randomized controlled trial. Eur J Nutr. 2024
Jun;63(4):1071-1088. doi: 10.1007/s00394-023-03311-9. Epub 2024 Feb 1. PMID:
38300292; PMCID: PMC11139700.
References for FEATURE: Auburn Disc Herniation
Back Pain Relief with Chiropractic
- Lilly DT, Davison MA, Eldridge CM, Singh R, Montgomery EY,
Bagley C, Adogwa O. An Assessment
of Nonoperative Management Strategies in a Herniated Lumbar Disc Population:
Successes Versus Failures. Global Spine J. 2021 Sep;11(7):1054-1063. doi:
10.1177/2192568220936217. Epub 2020 Jul 7. PMID: 32677528; PMCID: PMC8351061.
- Davison MA, Lilly DT, Moreno J, Bagley C, Adogwa O. Total Health Care
Expenditure in Patients With a Herniated Lumbar Disk That Ultimately Require
Surgery: A 3- and 6-month Cost Comparison of Maximum Nonoperative Treatment.
Clin Spine Surg. 2020 Apr;33(3):E108-E115. doi: 10.1097/BSD.0000000000000829.
PMID: 31162185.
- Zhang AS, Xu A, Ansari K, Hardacker K, Anderson G, Alsoof D,
Daniels AH. Lumbar Disc
Herniation: Diagnosis and Management. Am J Med. 2023 Jul;136(7):645-651.
doi: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2023.03.024. Epub 2023 Apr 17. PMID: 37072094.
- Gudavalli R, Cambron JA, McGregor M et al: A randomized
clinical trial and subgroup analysis to compare flexion–distraction with active
exercise for chronic low back pain. European Spine Journal 2006; 15:
1070-1082 [results of HRSA funded federal grant project between National
University of Health Sciences, Loyola Stritch School of
Medicine, University of Iowa, University of Illinois,
and others]
References for HEALTHY NEWS – July 2024
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pain. Pain. 2024 Jul 10. doi: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000003335. Epub ahead
of print. PMID: 38985160.
- Jensen RK, Hartvigsen L, Kongsted A. Pain
trajectories over 12 months following conservative care consultation in
patients with lumbar spinal stenosis. BMC Res Notes. 2024 Jun 22;17(1):174.
doi: 10.1186/s13104-024-06840-6. PMID: 38909261; PMCID: PMC11193895.
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Patterns and Population Characteristics of Nonpharmacological Management of
Chronic Pain in the United States' Medicare Population: A Scoping Review.
Innov Aging. 2023 Aug 11;7(10):igad085. doi: 10.1093/geroni/igad085. PMID:
38094932; PMCID: PMC10714895.
- Chou R, Qaseem A, Snow V, Casey D, Cross JT Jr, Shekelle P,
Owens DK; Clinical Efficacy Assessment Subcommittee of the American College of
Physicians; American College of Physicians; American Pain Society Low Back Pain
Guidelines Panel. Diagnosis
and treatment of low back pain: a joint clinical practice guideline from the
American College of Physicians and the American Pain Society. Ann Intern
Med. 2007 Oct 2;147(7):478-91. doi: 10.7326/0003-4819-147-7-200710020-00006.
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- Biao D, Umoh K, Qiguang C, Xiaole W, Ting F, Yuqian Y,
Jinchao Z, Fushui L. The
Role of Mindfulness Therapy in the Treatment of Chronic Pain. Curr Pain
Headache Rep. 2024 Jun 29. doi: 10.1007/s11916-024-01284-w. Epub ahead of
print. PMID: 38951466.
- Mee M, Sarta S. Effects of inhalation of
peppermint oil after lumbar discectomy surgery on pain and anxiety levels of
patients: A randomized controlled study. Explore (NY). 2024
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Efficacy of Mentha piperita in Reducing Chronic Headache Discomfort in Youth.
Pain Manag Nurs. 2023 Dec;24(6):e139-e147. doi: 10.1016/j.pmn.2023.08.004. Epub
2023 Sep 18. PMID: 37730471.
References for SPINE: Rediscover Comfort and Clarity With
Chiropractic Care For Older Spines
- Ziloochi F, Niazi IK, Amjad I, Cade A, Duehr J, Ghani U, Holt
K, Haavik H, Shalchyan V. Investigating the
effects of chiropractic care on resting-state EEG of MCI patients.
Front Aging Neurosci. 2024 Jun 11;16:1406664. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2024.1406664.
PMID: 38919600; PMCID: PMC11196806.
- Jensen RK, Hartvigsen L, Kongsted A. Pain trajectories
over 12 months following conservative care consultation in patients with lumbar
spinal stenosis. BMC Res Notes. 2024 Jun 22;17(1):174. doi:
10.1186/s13104-024-06840-6. PMID: 38909261; PMCID: PMC11193895.
- McNaughton DT, Roseen EJ, Patel S, Downie A, Øverås CK, Nim
C, Harsted S, Jenkins H, Young JJ, Hartvigsen J, Wong JJ, Stone KL, Ensrud KE,
Lee S, Cawthon PM, Fink HA; Osteoporotic Fractures in Men (MrOS) LBP research group.
Long-term trajectories of low back pain in older men: A prospective cohort
study with 10-year analysis of the MrOS Study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci
Med Sci. 2024 Jul 12:glae175. doi: 10.1093/gerona/glae175. Epub ahead of print.
PMID: 38995164.
References for NUTRITION: Auburn Summer…A Time
To Develop Some Healthy
- Habits!Demark-Wahnefried W, Oster RA, Smith KP, Kaur H,
Frugé AD, Cole WW, Locher JL, Rocque GB, Pisu M, Bail JR, Cohen HJ, Moellering
DR, Blair CK. Vegetable
Gardening and Health Outcomes in Older Cancer Survivors: A Randomized Clinical
Trial. JAMA Netw Open. 2024 Jun 3;7(6):e2417122. doi:
10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.17122. PMID: 38900426; PMCID: PMC11190797.
- Zhang Y, Tabung FK, Smith-Warner SA, Giovannucci E. High-quality fruit and
vegetable characterized by cardiometabolic biomarkers and its relation to major
chronic disease risk: results from 3 prospective United States cohort studies.
Am J Clin Nutr. 2024 May 25:S0002-9165(24)00514-8. doi:
10.1016/j.ajcnut.2024.05.020. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38802063.
- Bonner J, Xiong W, Velasquez C, Nienhuis N, Wallace B,
Friedman A, Lee D, Perry A. A Novel Summer
Camp Integrating Physical, Psychological, and Educational Health in Youth: The
THINK Program. Nutrients. 2024 Jun 12;16(12):1838. doi: 10.3390/nu16121838.
PMID: 38931193; PMCID: PMC11206397.
References for Exercise: Unlocking Recovery: The Power of
the Multifidus Muscle in Back Pain Relief
- Tsartsapakis I, Bagioka I, Fountoukidou F, Kellis E. A Comparison
between Core Stability Exercises and Muscle Thickness Using Two Different
Activation Maneuvers. J Funct Morphol Kinesiol. 2024 Apr 11;9(2):70. doi:
10.3390/jfmk9020070. PMID: 38651428; PMCID: PMC11036226.
- James G, Ahern BJ, Goodwin W, Goss B, Hodges PW. Targeted multifidus muscle
activation reduces fibrosis of multifidus muscle following intervertebral disc
injury. Eur Spine J. 2024 Jun;33(6):2166-2178. doi:
10.1007/s00586-024-08234-5. Epub 2024 Apr 12. PMID: 38607406.
- Wong A, Parent E, Dhillon S, Prasad N, Kawchuk G: Do Participants With Low Back
Pain Who Respond to Spinal Manipulative Therapy Differ Biomechanically From
Nonresponders, Untreated Controls or Asymptomatic Controls? Spine: 01
September 2015 – Volume 40 – Issue 17 – p 1329–1337 doi:
References for
FEATURE: 3 Great Reasons to See Your Auburn
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experiences and expectations of chiropractic care: a national cross-sectional
survey. Chiropr Man Therap. 2015 Jan 16;23(1):3. doi:
10.1186/s12998-014-0049-0. PMID: 25628858; PMCID: PMC4307916.
- Whedon JM, Uptmor S, Toler AWJ, Bezdjian S, MacKenzie TA,
Kazal LA Jr. Association
between chiropractic care and use of prescription opioids among older medicare
beneficiaries with spinal pain: a retrospective observational study.
Chiropr Man Therap. 2022 Jan 31;30(1):5. doi: 10.1186/s12998-022-00415-7. PMID:
35101064; PMCID: PMC8802278.
- Rubinstein SM, de Zoete A, van Middelkoop M, Assendelft WJJ,
de Boer MR, van Tulder MW. Benefits and
harms of spinal manipulative therapy for the treatment of chronic low back
pain: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.
BMJ. 2019 Mar 13;364:l689. doi: 10.1136/bmj.l689. PMID: 30867144; PMCID:
- Cox, JM, Feller JA, Cox JA: Distraction Chiropractic Adjusting: Clinical Application,
Treatment Algorithms, and Clinical Outcomes of 1000 Cases Studied. Topics in Clinical Chiropractic 1996; (3)3:45‐59, 79‐81
References for HEALTHY NEWS – August 2024
- Jensen RK, Lillesø S, Jensen JS, Stochkendahl MJ. Patient
expectations and levels of satisfaction in chiropractic treatment for lumbar
radiculopathy. A mixed methods study. Chiropr Man Therap. 2023 May
19;31(1):13. doi: 10.1186/s12998-023-00486-0. PMID: 37208689; PMCID:
- Khorami AK, Chiarotto A, Kongsted A, Hartvigsen J, Koes BW. Characteristics
and outcomes of patients with low back pain with and without radiating leg pain
following the GLA:D back program. Musculoskelet Sci Pract. 2024 Jul
11;73:103144. doi: 10.1016/j.msksp.2024.103144. Epub ahead of print. PMID:
- Siciliano TB, Gudavalli MR, Kruse R. Spinal
manipulation and mobilization forces delivered treating sciatica: a case
report. Front Integr Neurosci. 2024 Jul 8;18:1356564. doi:
10.3389/fnint.2024.1356564. PMID: 39040595; PMCID: PMC11260718.
- Samant P, Tawde P, Tawde DN. Understanding
How Patients With Lumbar Radiculopathy Make Sense of and Cope With Their
Symptoms. Cureus. 2024 Mar 26;16(3):e56987. doi: 10.7759/cureus.56987.
PMID: 38665744; PMCID: PMC11045257.
- Gou Y, Lei H, Chen X, Wang X. The effects of
hamstring stretching exercises on pain intensity and function in low back pain
patients: A systematic review with meta-analysis of randomized controlled
trials. SAGE Open Med. 2024 Jul 29;12:20503121241252251. doi:
10.1177/20503121241252251. PMID: 39086556; PMCID: PMC11289822.
References for SPINE: Thoracic Spine
Mobilization: A Key to Thoracic AND Cervical Comfort
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C, Palomeque-del-Cerro L, Rodríguez-Blanco C, Gómez-Conesa A, Miangolarra-Page
JC. Changes in neck pain and active range of motion after a single
thoracic spine manipulation in subjects presenting with mechanical neck pain: a
case series. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2007 May;30(4):312-20.
doi: 10.1016/j.jmpt.2007.03.007. PMID: 17509440.
- Niamsuwan P, Suriyaamarit D, Chiradejnant A. Spinal
displacement during thoracic manipulative therapy in mechanical neck pain
patients: an observational study. J Man Manip Ther. 2024 Apr;32(2):159-165.
doi: 10.1080/10669817.2023.2230010. Epub 2023 Jul 2. PMID: 37393578; PMCID:
- Nook DD, Nook EC, Nook BC. Utilization of Chiropractic
Care at The World Games 2017: A Retrospective Descriptive Study. J
Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2024 Aug 10:S0161-4754(24)00009-5. doi:
10.1016/j.jmpt.2024.03.001. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39127952.
References for NUTRITION: Unveiling the Recent Auburn
Chiropractic Nutrition Benefits of Chondroitin Sulfate
- Lomiwes D, Barnes M, Shaw O, Ngametua N, Sawyer G, Burr N,
Hedderley D, Kanon A, Bear T, Carroll A, Bentley-Hewitt K, Tian HS, Miller MR. The Efficacy of
New Zealand Greenshell™ Mussel Powder Supplementation in Supporting Muscle
Recovery Following Eccentric Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage in Healthy,
Untrained Adult Males. Nutrients. 2023 May 15;15(10):2316. doi:
10.3390/nu15102316. PMID: 37242198; PMCID: PMC10221610.
- Fang S, Zhang B, Xiang W, Zheng L, Wang X, Li S, Zhang T,
Feng D, Gong Y, Wu J, Yuan J, Wu Y, Zhu Y, Liu E, Ni Z. Natural products
in osteoarthritis treatment: bridging basic research to clinical applications.
Chin Med. 2024 Feb 15;19(1):25. doi: 10.1186/s13020-024-00899-w. PMID:
38360724; PMCID: PMC10870578.
- Malaguez GG, Artuzi FE, Quevedo AS, Puricelli E, Ponzoni D. Can treatment with chondroitin and
glucosamine sulphate prevent changes in the articular disc caused by
temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis? J Oral Rehabil. 2024 Aug 2. doi:
10.1111/joor.13814. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39092654.
References for Exercise: Understanding Auburn
Neck Pain And The Importance Of Stabilization
- Agarwal V, Goel A, Srivastava A, Rawat P, Singh R. Optimizing Pain
Relief and Range of Motion in Unilateral Cervical Radiculopathy: A Study on
Neural Tissue Mobilization and Cervical Stabilization Exercises. Cureus.
2024 Jul 29;16(7):e65646. doi: 10.7759/cureus.65646. PMID: 39205766; PMCID:
- Batool A, Soomro RR, Baig AAM. Comparing the
effects of neck stabilization exercises versus dynamic exercises among patients
having nonspecific neck pain with forward head posture: a randomized clinical
trial. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2024 Sep 4;25(1):707. doi:
10.1186/s12891-024-07749-8. PMID: 39232708; PMCID: PMC11373259.
- Schliesser JS, Kruse R, Fallon LF. Cervical radiculopathy treated with chiropractic flexion
distraction manipulation: A retrospective study in a private practice setting. J
Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2003 Nov-Dec;26(9):E19. doi:
10.1016/j.jmpt.2003.08.009. PMID: 14673412.
References for HEALTHY NEWS – September 2024
- Burton W, Wayne PM, Litrownik D, Long CR, Vining R, Rist P,
Kilgore K, Lisi A, Kowalski MH. Integrating Chiropractic Care and Tai Chi
Training for the Treatment of Chronic Nonspecific Neck Pain in Nurses: A
Single-Arm Mixed-Methods Pilot Trial. J Integr Complement Med. 2024 Aug 22.
doi: 10.1089/jicm.2024.0043. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39169834.
- Kruse RA, Imbarlina F, De Bono VF. Treatment of cervical
radiculopathy with flexion distraction. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2001
Mar-Apr;24(3):206-9. PMID: 11313617.
- Agarwal V, Goel A, Srivastava A, Rawat P, Singh R. Optimizing Pain Relief and
Range of Motion in Unilateral Cervical Radiculopathy: A Study on Neural Tissue
Mobilization and Cervical Stabilization Exercises. Cureus. 2024 Jul
29;16(7):e65646. doi: 10.7759/cureus.65646. PMID: 39205766; PMCID: PMC11351386.
- Emary PC, Corcoran KL, Coleman BC, Brown AL, Ciraco C,
DiDonato J, Wang L, Couban RJ, Sud A, Busse JW. The impact of
chiropractic care on prescription opioid use for non-cancer spine pain:
protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. Syst Rev. 2024 Sep
12;13(1):232. doi: 10.1186/s13643-024-02654-6. PMID: 39267131; PMCID:
- Trager RJ, Nichols MD, Barnett TD, Rodgers-Melnick SN, Song
S, Love TE, Adan F, Dusek JA. Impact
of Integrative Health and Medicine on Costs Associated with Adult Health System
Beneficiaries with Musculoskeletal Conditions: A Retrospective Cohort Study.
J Integr Complement Med. 2024 Sep 18. doi: 10.1089/jicm.2023.0812. Epub ahead
of print. PMID: 39291351.
- Kopansky-Giles D, Alleyne J, Mior S, De Carvalho D, Quesnele
J, Hogg-Johnson S, Rahbar P, Logeman M. Enhancing comprehensive
primary care by integrating chiropractic led musculoskeletal care into
interprofessional teams through supporting education, competency attainment,
and optimizing integration. Healthc Manage Forum. 2024
Sep;37(1_suppl):55S-61S. doi: 10.1177/08404704241262998. PMID: 39194274.
References for SPINE: Help for Auburn Frozen
Shoulder due to Cervical Spine Stenosis
- Russo S, Sharma A, Vardanyan R, Thavarajasingam SG, Riew KD.
The Association Between
Cervical Foraminal Stenosis and Adhesive Capsulitis: An Imaging-based
Case-Control Study. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2024 May 8. doi:
10.1097/BRS.0000000000005031. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38717313.
- Gudavalli S, Kruse RA. Foraminal stenosis with
radiculopathy from a cervical disc herniation in a 33-year-old man treated with
flexion distraction decompression manipulation. J Manipulative Physiol
Ther. 2008 Jun;31(5):376-80. doi: 10.1016/j.jmpt.2008.04.002. PMID: 18558279.
- Manison AM. Chiropractic
management using Cox cervical flexion-distraction technique for a disk
herniation with left foraminal narrowing in a 64-year-old man. J Chiropr
Med. 2011 Dec;10(4):316-21. doi: 10.1016/j.jcm.2011.04.004. PMID: 22654692;
PMCID: PMC3315856.
- Wu WT, Chang KV, Han DS, Lin CP, Özçakar L. Cross-talk
between shoulder and neck pain: an imaging study of association between rotator
cuff tendon tears and cervical foraminal stenosis. Medicine (Baltimore).
2018 Sep;97(36):e12247. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000012247. PMID: 30200155;
PMCID: PMC6133567.
References for NUTRITION: Food and Dietary Changes Positively
Impact Pain and Reduce Inflammation
- Renard D, Tuffet S, Dieudé P, Claudepierre P, Gossec L,
Fautrel B, Molto A, Miceli-Richard C, Richette P, Maheu E, Carette C,
Czernichow S, Jamakorzyan C, Rousseau A, Berenbaum F, Beauvais C, Sellam J. Factors
associated with dietary practices and beliefs on food of patients with
rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases: a multicentre cross-sectional study.
Joint Bone Spine. 2024 Sep 18:105778. doi: 10.1016/j.jbspin.2024.105778. Epub
ahead of print. PMID: 39303938.
- Cuomo A, Parascandolo I. Role of
Nutrition in the Management of Patients with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain.
J Pain Res. 2024 Jun 25;17:2223-2238. doi: 10.2147/JPR.S456202. PMID: 38947129;
PMCID: PMC11214565.
References for HEALTHY NEWS – October 2024
- Iordache S, Cursaru A, Cretu B, Niculae CF, Popa M, Costache
MA, Serban B, Cirstoiu C. Predictive
Factors for Total Knee Arthroplasty: An Observational Study. Cureus. 2024
Aug 22;16(8):e67519. doi: 10.7759/cureus.67519. PMID: 39310485; PMCID:
- Albano L. Innovative
application of Cox Flexion Distraction Decompression to the knee: a
retrospective case series. J Can Chiropr Assoc. 2017 Aug;61(2):153-161.
PMID: 28928498; PMCID: PMC5596966.
- Chang YT, Huang KC, Pranata R, Chen YL, Chen SN, Cheng YH,
Chen RJ. Evaluation of the
protective effects of chondroitin sulfate oligosaccharide against
osteoarthritis via inactivation of NLRP3 inflammasome by in vivo and in vitro
studies. Int Immunopharmacol. 2024 Dec 5;142(Pt A):113148. doi:
10.1016/j.intimp.2024.113148. Epub 2024 Sep 14. PMID: 39276449.
- Wang X, Yu H, Zhang Y, Chang X, Liu C, Wen X, Tian F, Li Y. Curcumin Alleviates
Osteoarthritis Through the p38MAPK Pathway: Network Pharmacological Prediction
and Experimental Confirmation. J Inflamm Res. 2024 Jul 26;17:5039-5056.
doi: 10.2147/JIR.S459867. PMID: 39081871; PMCID: PMC11288354.
References for Exercise: Unlocking Relief from Frozen
Shoulder with Auburn Chiropractic and Exercise
- Russo S, Sharma A, Vardanyan R, Thavarajasingam SG, Riew KD.
The Association Between
Cervical Foraminal Stenosis and Adhesive Capsulitis: An Imaging-based
Case-Control Study. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2024 May 8. doi:
10.1097/BRS.0000000000005031. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38717313.
- Hodgetts CJ, Jacques A, Daffin L, Learmonth YC. Testing the association
between shoulder pain prevalence and occupational, physical activity, and
mental health factors in two generations of Australian adults. Chiropr Man
Therap. 2023 Nov 27;31(1):48. doi: 10.1186/s12998-023-00520-1. PMID: 38012657;
PMCID: PMC10683232.
- Yu H, Côté P, Wong JJ, Shearer HM, Mior S, Cancelliere C,
Randhawa K, Ameis A, Carroll LJ, Nordin M, Varatharajan S, Sutton D, Southerst
D, Jacobs C, Stupar M, Taylor-Vaisey A, Gross DP, Brison RJ, Paulden M,
Ammendolia C, Cassidy JD, Marshall S, Bohay RN, Stapleton J, Lacerte M. Noninvasive management of soft
tissue disorders of the shoulder: A clinical practice guideline from the
Ontario Protocol for Traffic Injury Management (OPTIMa) collaboration. Eur
J Pain. 2021 Sep;25(8):1644-1667. doi: 10.1002/ejp.1788. Epub 2021 May 17.
PMID: 33942459.
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Buchbinder R. Manual
therapy and exercise for adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder). Cochrane
Database Syst Rev. 2014 Aug 26;2014(8):CD011275. doi:
10.1002/14651858.CD011275. PMID: 25157702; PMCID: PMC10882424.
References for FEATURE: Beneficial Recommendations for Auburn Chiropractic and Spinal
Manipulation for Spine Pain Management: Low Back Pain, Neck Pain, Headache
- Trager RJ, Bejarano G, Perfecto RT, Blackwood ER, Goertz CM.
Chiropractic and Spinal
Manipulation: A Review of Research Trends, Evidence Gaps, and Guideline
Recommendations. J Clin Med. 2024 Sep 24;13(19):5668. doi:
10.3390/jcm13195668. PMID: 39407729.
- Menezes CM, Tucci C, Tamai K, Chhabra HS, Alhelal FH,
Bussières AE, Muehlbauer EJ, Roberts L, Alsobayel HI, Barneschi G, Campello MA,
Côté P, Duchén Rodríguez LM, Cristante AF, Kamra K, Kitamura K, Meves R,
Risso-Neto MI, Vlok AJ, Wadhwa S, Wiechert K, Yurac R, Blattert T, Costanzo G,
Darwono B, Nordin M, Al Athbah YS, Alturkistany A, Chahal R, Franke J, Ito M,
Arand M, Pereira P, Ruosi C, Sullivan WJ, Andújar ALF, Ribeiro CH, Carelli LE,
Sardá J Jr, Machado ALGE, AlEissa S. SPINE20
Recommendations 2024 -Spinal Disability: Social Inclusion as a Key to
Prevention and Management. Global Spine J. 2024 Oct 10:21925682241290226.
doi: 10.1177/21925682241290226. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39387468.
References for SPINE: Revolutionizing Spinal Care: The
Science Behind Disc Changes Post-Cox® Flexion Distraction Manipulation
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References for HEALTHY NEWS – November 2024
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References for NUTRITION: Revitalize Your Auburn
Sleep Routine with Tryptophan and Turkey
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References for HEALTHY NEWS – January 2025
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References for Exercise: The Positive Effects of
Auburn Exercise - with a bit of Cox Technic Flexion Distraction -
on Post-Surgical Back Pain
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References for FEATURE: The Diagnostic Expertise of Chiropractors
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References for SPINE: Predicting Auburn Disc
Degeneration: What Science Tells Us
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References for HEALTHY NEWS – February 2025
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References for NUTRITION: Innovative Approaches to Auburn
Spinal Health and Disc Degeneration…beyond Aspirin
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