15% of us get migraine headaches. That’s 3 out of 20
Auburn people struggle with migraines due to research data. (1) Migraine
is an ache patients look to Dr. Le's Chiropractic & Wellness, L.L.C. for alleviation. Dealing with migraines continues to be difficult. It
needs an understanding of the anatomical contributing factors as well as
varied alternatives for its pain control. Dr. Le's Chiropractic & Wellness, L.L.C. is fully capable of offering chiropractic care as a unit of the migraine management squad.
Usually, migraine is taken care of with medication periodically even propanolol
and topiramate as preventatives. Side effects and preference to avoid
medications may send patients seeking alternative options. Chiropractic spinal
manipulation is among some manual therapies that may be just as effective along with massage therapy,
physiotherapy, and relaxation. (1)
Dr. Le's Chiropractic & Wellness, L.L.C. offers gentle, relaxing Cox Technic for the cervical spine that
fellow Auburn chiropractic patients find quite relieving and
Now, research reveals that trigger point therapy to the
sternomastoid muscle lessens headache and neck pain greater than a placebo
therapy. It also increases motor performance of the cervical flexors, pressure
pain thresholds, and active range of motion in individuals with cervicogenic
headache. (2) Chiropractic spinal manipulation using Cox Technic may well add
an extra element to your Auburn chiropractic treatment plan to
improve cervical spine range of motion as well.
For example, one patient who suffered with headaches of 5
months' duration and a history of episodic migraine that began in her teens which
had been controlled with medication found relief with chiropractic spinal
manipulation and acupuncture. This relief came after 5 chiropractic treatments
in 2 weeks. At a year follow up, she
reports no recurrences. Chiropractic care was an effective alternative in
managing her chronic tension-type headaches superimposed with migraine. (3)
So is neck pain related to migraine? You bet! For many migraine
sufferers, neck pain related disability lurks. The more often the migraine
attacks come on, the more neck pain disability shows itself. The more neck pain
disability, the higher the risk of migraine chronicity. A vicious cycle. (4) Auburn
chiropractic may be a way to break that cycle.
So contact Dr. Le's Chiropractic & Wellness, L.L.C. if you suffer with headache and
migraine. The Auburn chiropractic treatments may complement your
current management plan and even offer more relief. Dr. Le's Chiropractic & Wellness, L.L.C. looks
forward to working with you.