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Spine Articles

Osteoporosis and Diabetes Linked

Dr. Le's Chiropractic & Wellness, L.L.C. finds it interesting that an old test like the DEXA scan has a new purpose. It can check for osteoporosis risk and diabetes risk!

Auburn Chiropractic Scoliosis Screening

Dr. Le's Chiropractic & Wellness, L.L.C. is on top of all things spine-related in youths and adults! Dr. Le's Chiropractic & Wellness, L.L.C. shares the new scoliosis screening guidelines that may alert Auburn parents to a spine curvature their kids may have.

Auburn Chiropractic Considers Sarcopenia

Dr. Le's Chiropractic & Wellness, L.L.C. takes into account the effect sarcopenia may have on our older chiropractic patients and encourages exercise to strengthen their spine supporting muscles.

Pregnancy- Related Osteoporosis Affects the Spine

Auburn pregnant women trust Dr. Le's Chiropractic & Wellness, L.L.C.’s spinal care! When they visit, Dr. Le's Chiropractic & Wellness, L.L.C. looks out for new persistent back pain complaints which may point to vertebral fractures related to osteoporosis.